DEF 14A: Definitive proxy statements
Published on March 23, 1998
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12
RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X] No Fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: _______________
5) Total fee paid: _____________________
[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
1) Amount Previously Paid: ___________
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No: _____________
3) Filing Party: ___________
4) Date Filed: ____________
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be Held on May 5, 1998
To the Shareholders of RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.:
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
(the "Annual Meeting") of RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. (the "Company") will be
held at Renaissance House, 8-12 East Broadway, Pembroke, Bermuda on May 5, 1998
at 10:00 a.m., Atlantic daylight savings time, for the following purposes:
1. To elect eleven directors of the Company to serve: (i) if Proposal 2
below is adopted at the Annual Meeting, for the terms indicated and
until their successors are duly elected and qualified, as follows:
(x) four of the eleven directors to serve until the Company's 1999
annual general meeting of shareholders; (y) three of the eleven
directors to serve until the Company's 2000 annual general meeting
of shareholders; and (z) four of the eleven directors to serve until
the Company's 2001 annual general meeting of shareholders; or (ii)
if Proposal 2 below is not adopted at the Annual Meeting, until the
Company's 1999 annual general meeting of shareholders or until their
successors shall be elected and qualified.
2. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to provide for a classified Board of
3. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to provide that Directors may be
removed only for cause upon the affirmative vote of the holders of
not less than 66-2/3% of the voting rights attached to all issued
and outstanding capital shares of the Company entitled to vote
4. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to fix the size of the Board at
eleven directors and to authorize the Board, at its discretion, to
expand the size of the Board to twelve directors and to fill any
additional position so created.
5. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to provide that shareholders of
record may nominate persons for election as director at an annual or
special general meeting of shareholders only if prior written notice
signed by no less than 20 shareholders holding in the aggregate not
less than 10% of the outstanding paid up share capital of the
Company stating such shareholders' intent to make such nomination
has been given to the Secretary of the Company: (a) in the case of
an annual general meeting, not less than 60 days nor more than 90
days prior to the anniversary date of the immediately preceding
annual general meeting of shareholders; and (b) in the case of a
special general meeting called for the purpose of electing
directors, not later than the close of business on the tenth day
following the day on which notice of the date of the special general
meeting was mailed or public disclosure of the date of the special
general meeting was made, whichever first occurs.
6. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to provide that business may be
properly introduced by the shareholders at an annual general meeting
where such business is not brought by or at the direction of the
Board, in addition to any other applicable requirements, only if
written notice thereof containing certain prescribed information
concerning such proposal is deposited with the Secretary of the
Company by shareholders representing at least one-
twentieth of the Company's outstanding voting rights or constituting
not less than 100 persons at least six weeks prior to the date of
the annual general meeting.
7. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to provide that not less than 60 nor
more than 90 days notice shall be given of a special general meeting
properly requisitioned by shareholders holding at least 10% of the
outstanding paid up share capital of the Company.
8. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to prohibit holders of the Company's
capital shares, other than certain exempted persons, from obtaining
or exercising more than 9.9% of the voting rights attached to all
issued and outstanding capital shares of the Company.
9. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to require the affirmative vote of
at least 66-2/3% of the outstanding voting rights attached to all
issued and outstanding capital shares of the Company entitled to
vote thereon to amend, repeal or adopt any provision inconsistent
with any of Proposals 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 or the amendment
contemplated by this Proposal.
10. To amend the Company's Memorandum of Association to increase the
Company's authorized capital to an aggregate of 325,000,000 shares,
consisting of 225,000,000 Common Shares and 100,000,000 Preference
Shares, in order to facilitate the potential adoption by the Board
in the future of a shareholder rights plan.
11. To consider, and if thought fit, approve an amendment to the
RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. Amended and Restated Non-Employee
Directors Stock Plan (the "Directors Plan") which would (i) increase
the number of authorized shares available for issuance thereunder
from 100,000 Common Shares to 200,000 Common Shares, and (ii)
provide that any shares which are tendered to or withheld by the
Company under the Directors Plan in connection with the exercise of
options granted thereunder or the payment of related withholding
taxes shall again become available for grant thereunder.
12. To appoint independent auditors of the Company for the 1998 fiscal
year to serve until the Company's 1999 annual general meeting of
shareholders and to refer to the Board the determination of the
auditors' remuneration.
13. In accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Renaissance Reinsurance Ltd. ("Reinsurance"), to
elect eleven directors of Reinsurance to serve: (i) if Proposal 14
below is adopted at the Annual Meeting, for the terms indicated and
until their successors are duly elected and qualified, as follows:
(x) four of the eleven directors to serve until the Reinsurance 1999
annual general meeting of shareholders; (y) three of the eleven
directors to serve until the Reinsurance 2000 annual general meeting
of shareholders; and (z) four of the eleven directors to serve until
the Reinsurance 2001 annual general meeting of shareholders; or (ii)
if Proposal 14 below is not adopted at the Annual Meeting, until the
Reinsurance 1999 annual general meeting of shareholders or until
their successors shall be elected and qualified.
14. In accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Reinsurance, to amend
the Reinsurance Bye-Laws to provide for a classified board of
directors of Reinsurance (the "Reinsurance Board").
15. In accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Reinsurance, to amend the Reinsurance Bye-Laws to
fix the size of the Reinsurance Board at eleven directors and to
authorize the Reinsurance Board, at its discretion, to expand its
size to twelve directors and to fill any additional position so
16. In accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Reinsurance, to appoint independent auditors of
Reinsurance for the 1998 fiscal year to serve until the 1999 annual
general meeting of shareholders of Reinsurance and to refer to the
Reinsurance Board the determination of the auditors' remuneration.
17. In accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
amend the Memorandum of Association of Reinsurance to increase the
minimum issued and fully paid share capital of Reinsurance to $1
At the Annual Meeting, shareholders will also receive the report of the
Company's independent auditors and the financial statements of the Company for
the year ended December 31, 1997, and may also be asked to consider and take
action with respect to such other matters as may properly come before the Annual
All shareholders of record at the close of business on February 20, 1998
are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting.
To ensure that your shares are represented at the Annual Meeting, you are
urged to complete, sign, date and return the accompanying proxy card promptly in
the enclosed postage paid envelope. Please sign the accompanying proxy card
exactly as your name appears on your share certificate(s). You may revoke your
proxy at any time before it is voted at the Annual Meeting. If you attend the
Annual Meeting, you may vote your shares in person.
By order of the Board of Directors,
/s/ James N. Stanard
James N. Stanard
Chairman of the Board
March 23, 1998
Renaissance House
8-12 East Broadway
Pembroke HM 19 Bermuda
May 5, 1998
This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of
proxies on behalf of the Board of Directors (the "Board") of RenaissanceRe
Holdings Ltd. (the "Company") to be voted at the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders to be held at Renaissance House, 8-12 East Broadway, Pembroke,
Bermuda on May 5, 1998 at 10:00 a.m., Atlantic daylight savings time, or any
postponement or adjournment thereof (the "Annual Meeting"). This Proxy
Statement, the Notice of Annual Meeting and the accompanying form of proxy are
being first mailed to shareholders on or about March 24, 1998.
As of February 20, 1998, the record date for the determination of persons
entitled to receive notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting, there were
issued and outstanding: (i) 22,440,901 shares of the Company's common shares,
par value $1.00 per share (the "Full Voting Common Shares"); (ii) 2,448,504
shares of the Company's Diluted Voting Class I Common Shares, par value $1.00
per share (the "DVI Shares"); and (iii) 318,213 shares of the Company's Diluted
Voting Class II Common Shares, par value $1.00 per share (the "DVII Shares" and
together with the DVI Shares, the "Diluted Voting Shares"). The Full Voting
Common Shares and the Diluted Voting Shares are referred to herein collectively
as the "Common Shares." The Common Shares are the Company's only class of equity
securities outstanding and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.
Holders of Full Voting Common Shares are entitled to one vote on each
matter to be voted upon by the shareholders at the Annual Meeting for each share
held. Holders of DVI Shares are entitled to a fixed voting interest in the
Company of up to 9.9% of all outstanding voting rights attached to the Common
Shares, inclusive of the percentage interest in the Company represented by
Controlled Common Shares (as defined below), but in no event greater than one
vote for each share held. Holders of DVII Shares are entitled to one-third of a
vote for each share held; provided, that in no event shall a holder of DVII
Shares have greater than 9.9% of all outstanding voting rights attached to the
Common Shares, inclusive of the percentage interest in the Company represented
by Controlled Common Shares. With respect to any holder of DVI Shares or DVII
Shares, "Controlled Common Shares" means Common Shares owned directly,
indirectly or constructively by such holder within the meaning of Section 958 of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and applicable rules
and regulations thereunder.
The presence, in person or by proxy, of holders of more than 50% of the
Common Shares outstanding and entitled to vote on each of the respective matters
to be considered at the Annual Meeting is required to constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business at the Annual Meeting. Holders of Full Voting Common
Shares and Diluted Voting Shares shall vote together as a single class on all
matters presented for a vote by the shareholders at the Annual Meeting.
At the Annual Meeting, shareholders will be asked to take the following
1. To elect eleven directors of the Company to serve: (i) if Proposal 2
discussed below is adopted at the Annual Meeting, for the terms
indicated and until their successors are duly elected and qualified,
as follows: (x) four of the eleven directors to serve until the
Company's 1999 annual general meeting of shareholders (the "Class I
Directors"); (y) three of the eleven directors to serve until the
Company's 2000 annual general meeting of shareholders (the "Class II
Directors"); and (z) four of the eleven directors to serve until the
Company's 2001 annual general meeting of shareholders (the "Class
III Directors"); or (ii) if Proposal 2 discussed below is not
adopted, until the Company's 1999 annual general meeting of
shareholders or until their successors shall be elected and
qualified (the "Company Board Nominees Proposal").
2. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to provide for a classified Board of
Directors (the "Company Classified Board Proposal").
3. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to provide that Directors may be
removed only for cause upon the affirmative vote of the holders of
not less than 66-2/3% of the voting rights attached to all issued
and outstanding capital shares of the Company entitled to vote
thereon (the "Director Removal Proposal").
4. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to fix the size of the Board at
eleven directors and to authorize the Board, at its discretion, to
expand the size of the Board to twelve directors and to fill any
additional position so created (the "Company Board Size Proposal").
5. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to provide that shareholders of
record may nominate persons for election as director at an annual or
special general meeting of shareholders only if prior written notice
signed by no less than 20 shareholders holding in the aggregate not
less than 10% of the outstanding paid up share capital of the
Company stating such shareholders' intent to make such nomination
has been given to the Secretary of the Company: (a) in the case of
an annual general meeting, not less than 60 days nor more than 90
days prior to the anniversary date of the immediately preceding
annual general meeting of shareholders; and (b) in the case of a
special general meeting called for the purpose of electing
directors, not later than the close of business on the tenth day
following the day on which notice of the date of the special general
meeting was mailed or public disclosure of the date of the special
general meeting was made, whichever first occurs (the "Nomination
6. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to provide that business may be
properly introduced by the shareholders at an annual general meeting
where such business is not brought by or at the direction of the
Board, in addition to any other applicable requirements, only if
written notice thereof containing certain prescribed information
concerning such proposal is deposited with the Secretary of the
Company by shareholders representing at least one-twentieth of the
Company's outstanding voting rights or constituting not less than
100 persons at least six weeks prior to the date of the annual
general meeting (the "Shareholder Notice Proposal").
7. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to provide that not less than 60 nor
more than 90 days notice shall be given of a special general meeting
properly requisitioned by shareholders holding at least 10% of the
outstanding paid up share capital of the Company (the "Special
Meeting Proposal").
8. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to prohibit holders of the Company's
capital shares, other than certain exempted persons, from obtaining
or exercising more than 9.9% of the voting rights attached to all
issued and outstanding capital shares of the Company (the "Excess
Shares Proposal").
9. To amend the Company's Bye-laws to require the affirmative vote of
at least 66-2/3% of the outstanding voting rights attached to all
issued and outstanding capital shares of the Company entitled to
vote thereon to amend, repeal or adopt any provision inconsistent
with the Company Classified Board Proposal, the Director Removal
Proposal, the Company Board Size Proposal, the Nomination Proposal,
the Shareholder Notice Proposal, the Special Meeting Proposal, the
Excess Shares Proposal or the amendment contemplated by this
Proposal (the "Super-Majority Amendment Proposal").
10. To amend the Company's Memorandum of Association to increase the
Company's authorized capital to an aggregate of 325,000,000 shares,
consisting of 225,000,000 Common Shares and 100,000,000 Preference
Shares, in order to facilitate the potential adoption by the Board
in the future of a shareholder rights plan (the "Company Capital
11. To approve an amendment to the RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. Amended
and Restated Non-Employee Directors Stock Plan (the "Directors
Plan") which would (i) increase the number of authorized shares
available for issuance thereunder from 100,000 Common Shares to
200,000 Common Shares, and (ii) to provide that any shares which are
tendered to or withheld by the Company under the Directors Plan in
connection with the exercise of options granted thereunder or the
payment of related withholding taxes shall again become available
for grant thereunder (the "Directors Plan Proposal").
12. To appoint the firm of Ernst & Young, independent auditors, to serve
as the Company's independent auditors for the 1998 fiscal year until
the Company's 1999 annual general meeting of shareholders, and to
refer the determination of the auditors' remuneration to the Board
(collectively, the "Company Auditors Proposal").
13. In accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Renaissance Reinsurance Ltd. ("Reinsurance"), to
elect eleven directors of Reinsurance to serve: (i) if Proposal 14
below is adopted at the Annual Meeting, for the terms indicated and
until their successors are duly elected, as follows: (x) four of the
eleven directors to serve until the Reinsurance 1999 annual general
meeting of shareholders; (y) three of the eleven directors to serve
until the Reinsurance 2000 annual general meeting of shareholders;
and (z) four of the eleven directors to serve until the Reinsurance
2001 annual general meeting of shareholders; or (ii) if Proposal 14
below is not adopted at the Annual Meeting, until the Reinsurance
1999 annual general meeting of shareholders or until their
successors shall be elected and qualified (the "Reinsurance Board
Nominees Proposal").
14. In accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Reinsurance, to amend the Reinsurance Bye-Laws to
provide for a classified board of directors of Reinsurance (the
"Reinsurance Board") (the "Reinsurance Classified Board Proposal").
15. In accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Reinsurance, to amend the Reinsurance Bye-Laws to
fix the size of the Reinsurance Board at eleven directors and to
authorize the Reinsurance Board, at its discretion, to expand its
size to twelve directors and to fill any additional position so
created (the "Reinsurance Board Size Proposal"). Proposals 2 through
10 and Proposals 14 and 15 are collectively referred to herein as
the "Charter Amendment Proposals".
16. In accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Reinsurance, to appoint Ernst & Young as
independent auditors of Reinsurance for the 1998 fiscal year to
serve until the 1999 annual general meeting of shareholders of
Reinsurance and to refer to the Reinsurance Board the determination
of the auditors' remuneration (collectively, the "Reinsurance
Auditors Proposal").
17. In accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Reinsurance, to amend the Memorandum of
Association of Reinsurance to increase the minimum issued and fully
paid share capital of Reinsurance to $1 million (the "Reinsurance
Share Capital Proposal").
At the Annual Meeting, shareholders will also receive the report of the
Company's independent auditors and the financial statements of the Company for
the year ended December 31, 1997, and may also be asked to consider and take
action with respect to such other matters as may properly come before the Annual
All of the above Proposals will be decided by the affirmative vote of a
majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present, in person
or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting, and entitled to vote thereon. A hand vote
will be taken unless a poll is requested pursuant to the Bye-Laws. Warburg,
Pincus Investors, L.P. ("Warburg"), GE Investment Private Placement Partners
I-Insurance, Limited Partnership ("GE Insurance"), PT Investments, Inc. ("PT
Investments"), United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company ("USF&G") and the
Company's directors and executive officers intend to vote their shares,
representing in the aggregate approximately 45% of the outstanding voting rights
attached to the Common Shares, in favor of each of the Proposals to be acted on
Following the Annual Meeting, Reinsurance will hold its annual general
meeting of shareholders, at which meeting the Company, in accordance with the
Company's Bye-Laws, will vote all of the outstanding shares of Reinsurance (all
of which the Company owns) in accordance with and proportional to the vote of
the shareholders at the Annual Meeting on the Reinsurance Board Nominees
Proposal, the Reinsurance Classified Board Proposal, the Reinsurance Board Size
Proposal, the Reinsurance Auditors Proposal and the Reinsurance Share Capital
AS PROXIES BY THE BOARD. Such persons designated as proxies are officers of the
Company. Any shareholder desiring to appoint another person to represent him or
her at the Annual Meeting may do so either by inserting such person's name in
the blank space provided on the accompanying form of proxy, or by completing
another form of proxy and, in either case, delivering an executed proxy to the
Secretary of the Company at the address indicated above, before the time of the
Annual Meeting. It is the responsibility of the shareholder appointing such
other person to represent him or her to inform such person of this appointment.
All Common Shares represented by properly executed proxies which are
returned and not revoked will be voted in accordance with the instructions, if
any, given thereon. If no instructions are provided in an executed proxy, it
will be voted FOR each of the Proposals described herein and set forth on the
accompanying form of proxy, and in accordance with the proxyholder's best
judgment as to any other business as may properly come before the Annual
Meeting. If a shareholder appoints a person other than the persons named in the
enclosed form of proxy to represent him or her, such person will vote the shares
in respect of which he or she is appointed proxyholder in accordance with the
directions of the shareholder appointing him or her. Member brokerage firms of
The New York Stock Exchange, Inc. (the "NYSE") that hold shares in record name
for beneficial owners may, to the extent that such beneficial owners do not
furnish voting instructions with respect to any or all proposals submitted for
shareholder action, vote in their discretion upon Proposals 1, 4, 10, 11, 12,
13, 15, 16 and 17. NYSE member brokerage firms that do not receive instructions
from their clients as to Proposals 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 14 will not have
discretion to vote on these proposals. Such "broker non-votes" and abstentions
will not be counted as shares present in connection with proposals with respect
to which they are not voted. Any shareholder who executes a proxy may revoke it
at any time before it is voted by delivering to the Secretary of the Company a
written statement revoking such proxy, by executing and delivering a later dated
proxy, or by voting in person at the Annual Meeting. Attendance at the Annual
Meeting by a shareholder who has executed and delivered a proxy to the Company
shall not in and of itself constitute a revocation of such proxy.
The Company will bear the cost of solicitation of proxies. The Company has
retained Corporate Investor Communications, Inc. to assist in the solicitation
of proxies for a fee of $4,000, plus the reimbursement of certain expenses.
Further solicitation may be made by directors, officers and employees of the
Company personally, by telephone or otherwise, but such persons will not be
specifically compensated for such services. The Company also intends to make,
through bankers, brokers or other persons, a solicitation of proxies of
beneficial holders of the Common Shares. Upon request, the Company will
reimburse brokers, dealers, banks or similar entities acting as nominees for
reasonable expenses incurred in forwarding copies of the proxy materials
relating to the Annual Meeting to the beneficial owners of Common Shares which
such persons hold of record.
The table below sets forth the names, ages and titles of the persons who
were directors of the Company and executive officers of the Company as of March
16, 1998.
Name Age Position
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
James N. Stanard............. 49 Chairman of the Board, President and
Chief Executive Officer
Keith S. Hynes............... 45 Executive Vice President of the Company,
President and Chief Executive Officer
of Glencoe Insurance Limited
William I. Riker............. 38 Executive Vice President of the Company and
President and Chief Operating Officer of
Renaissance Reinsurance Ltd.
John M. Lummis............... 40 Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer
David A. Eklund.............. 38 Executive Vice President of
Renaissance Reinsurance Ltd.
Arthur S. Bahr............... 66 Director
Thomas A. Cooper............. 61 Director
Edmund B. Greene............. 59 Director
Dan L. Hale.................. 53 Director
Gerald L. Igou............... 63 Director
Kewsong Lee.................. 32 Director
Howard H. Newman............. 50 Director
Scott E. Pardee.............. 61 Director
John C. Sweeney.............. 53 Director
David A. Tanner.............. 39 Director
James N. Stanard has served as Chairman of the Board, President and Chief
Executive Officer since the Company's formation in June 1993. From 1991 through
June 1993, Mr. Stanard served as Executive Vice President of United States
Fidelity & Guaranty Company ("USF&G") and was a member of a three-person Office
of the President. As Executive Vice President of USF&G, he was responsible for
USF&G's underwriting, claims and ceded reinsurance. From October 1983 to 1991,
Mr. Stanard was an Executive Vice President of F&G Re, Inc., USF&G's start-up
reinsurance subsidiary ("F&G Re"). Mr. Stanard was one of two senior officers
primarily responsible for the formation of F&G Re, where he was responsible for
underwriting, pricing and marketing activities of F&G Re during its first seven
years of operations. As Executive Vice President of F&G Re, Mr. Stanard was
personally involved in the design of pricing procedures, contract terms and
analytical underwriting tools for all types of treaty reinsurance, including
both U.S. and international property catastrophe reinsurance.
Keith S. Hynes has served as Executive Vice President of the Company since
December 1997 and as President and Chief Executive Officer of Glencoe Insurance
Limited, the Company's majority owned subsidiary, since September 1997. Prior
thereto, Mr. Hynes served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
of the Company since June 1994. Mr. Hynes was employed by Hartford Steam Boiler
Inspection & Insurance Co. ("Hartford Steam") from January 1983 to January 1994.
From April 1992 to January 1994, he served as Hartford Steam's Senior Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer. From November 1986 to April 1992, Mr.
Hynes worked in Hartford Steam's Underwriting Department, advancing to Senior
Vice President and Chief Underwriting Officer, where he managed Hartford Steam's
underwriting and ceded reinsurance activities, from
April 1990 to April 1992. From January 1983 to November 1986, Mr. Hynes was
Hartford Steam's Chief Investment Officer. Mr. Hynes held several investment
management positions with Aetna Insurance Company from June 1978 to January
William I. Riker was appointed Executive Vice President of the Company in
December 1997 and previously served as Senior Vice President from March 1995 and
as Vice President-Underwriting-of the Company from November 1993 until such
time. Mr. Riker also serves as President and Chief Operating Officer of
Renaissance Reinsurance Ltd. From March 1993 through October 1993, Mr. Riker
served as Vice President of Applied Insurance Research, Inc. Prior to that, Mr.
Riker held the position of Senior Vice President, Director of Underwriting at
American Royal Reinsurance Company ("American Royal"). Mr. Riker was responsible
for developing various analytical underwriting tools while holding various
positions at American Royal from 1984 through 1993.
John M. Lummis has served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer of the Company since September 1997. Mr. Lummis served as a director of
the Company from July 1993 to December 1997, when he resigned in connection with
his appointment as an executive officer of the Company. Mr. Lummis served as
Vice President-Business Development of USF&G Corporation from 1994 until August
1997 and served as Vice President and Group General Counsel for USF&G
Corporation from 1991 until 1995. USF&G Corporation is the parent company of
USF&G. From 1982 until 1991, Mr. Lummis was engaged in the private practice of
law with the law firm of Shearman & Sterling.
David A. Eklund has served as Executive Vice President of Reinsurance
since December 1997 and as Senior Vice President of the Company since February
1996. Mr. Eklund served as Vice President-Underwriting of the Company from
September 1993 until February 1996. From November 1989 through September 1993,
Mr. Eklund held various positions in casualty underwriting at Old Republic
International Reinsurance Group, Inc., where he was responsible for casualty
treaty underwriting and marketing. From March 1988 to November 1989, Mr. Eklund
held various positions in catastrophe reinsurance at Berkshire Hathaway Inc.,
where he was responsible for underwriting and marketing finite risk and property
catastrophe reinsurance.
Arthur S. Bahr has served as a director of the Company since its formation
in June 1993. Mr. Bahr served as Director and Executive Vice President-Equities
of General Electric Investment Corporation ("GEIC"), a subsidiary of General
Electric Company and registered investment adviser, from 1987 until December
1993. Mr. Bahr has served GEIC in various senior investment positions since 1978
and was a Trustee of General Electric Pension Trust from 1976 until December
1993. Mr. Bahr served as Director and Executive Vice President of GE Investment
Management Incorporated, a subsidiary of General Electric Company and a
registered investment adviser, from 1988 until his retirement in December 1993.
From December 1993 until December 1995, Mr. Bahr served as a consultant to GEIC.
Thomas A. Cooper has served as a Director of the Company since August 7,
1996. From August 1993 until August 1996 Mr. Cooper served as Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of TAC Bancshares, Inc. and as Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Chase Federal Bank FSB. From June 1992 until July 1993, Mr. Cooper
served as principal of TAC Associates, a financial investment company. From
April 1990 until May 1992 Mr. Cooper served as Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Goldome FSB. From 1986 to April 1990, Mr. Cooper served as Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer of Investment Services of America, one of the
largest full service securities brokerage and investment companies in the United
States. Prior thereto, Mr. Cooper served as President of Bank of America from
February 1983 to April 1986. From 1980 to 1982 Mr. Cooper served as Vice
Chairman of Mellon Bank. From 1978 to 1982, Mr. Cooper was President of Girard
Bank in Philadelphia.
Edmund B. Greene has served as a director of the Company since its
formation in June 1993. Mr. Greene has served as Deputy Treasurer-Insurance of
General Electric Company since March 1995. Prior to that, Mr. Greene was
Manager-Corporate Insurance Operation of General Electric Company since 1985,
and previously served in various financial management assignments since 1962.
Dan L. Hale has served as a director of the Company since December 1997.
Mr. Hale has served as an Executive Vice President of USF&G since 1991 and as
Chief Financial Officer of USF&G since 1993. Mr. Hale previously served as
President of Chase Commercial Corp. from March 1988 to February 1991 and before
that as a Managing Director of Kidder Peabody Group, Inc. Prior thereto, Mr.
Hale served as Senior Vice President and Division General Manager of General
Electric Credit Corporation.
Gerald L. Igou has served as a director of the Company since its formation
in June 1993. Mr. Igou has served as a Vice President-Investment Analyst for
GEIC since September 1993. He is a Certified Financial Analyst and has served
GEIC in the capacities of investment analyst and sector portfolio manager since
1968. Prior to joining General Electric, Mr. Igou was an analyst with the Wall
Street firms of Smith Barney Inc. and Dean Witter & Co.
Kewsong Lee has served as a director of the Company since December 1994.
Mr. Lee has served as a Member and Managing Director of E.M. Warburg, Pincus &
Co. LLC ("EMW LLC") and a general partner of Warburg, Pincus & Co. ("WP") since
January 1, 1997. Mr. Lee served as a Vice President of Warburg, Pincus Ventures,
Inc. ("WPV") from January 1995 to December 1996, and an associate at E.M.
Warburg, Pincus & Co., Inc. ("EMW") from 1992 to until December 1994. Prior to
joining EMW, Mr. Lee was a consultant at McKinsey & Company, Inc., a management
consulting company, from 1990 to 1992. Mr. Lee is a director of Knoll, Inc. and
several privately held companies.
Howard H. Newman has served as a director of the Company since its
formation in June 1993. Mr. Newman has served as a Member and Managing Director
of EMW LLC (and its predecessor) and a general partner of WP since 1987. Mr.
Newman is a director of ADVO, Inc., Newfield Exploration Company, Cox Insurance
Holdings Plc, Comcast UK Cable Partners Limited and several privately held
Scott E. Pardee has served as a director of the Company since February
1997. Mr. Pardee has served as Senior Lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of
Management and Executive Director of the Finance Research Center at the Sloan
School since November 1997. Mr. Pardee served as Chairman of Yamaichi
International (America), Inc., a financial services company, from 1989 to 1995.
Mr. Pardee previously served as Executive Vice President and a member of the
Board of Directors of Discount Corporation of New York, a primary dealer in U.S.
government securities, and Senior Vice President and Manager of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York.
John C. Sweeney has served as a director of the Company since December
1996. Mr. Sweeney has served as Senior Vice President and Chief Investment
Officer of USF&G since 1992, and as Chairman of Falcon Asset Management since
1992. Prior thereto, Mr. Sweeney served as Principal and Practice Director of
Towers Perrin Consulting Services from 1985 to 1992, and as Chief Investment
Officer of McM/Occidential Peninsular Insurance Companies from 1981 to 1984. Mr.
Sweeney also serves as a Director of USF&G Pacholder Fund, Inc.
David A. Tanner has served as a director of the Company since December
1996. Mr. Tanner served as a Member and Managing Director of EMW LLC (and its
predecessor) and a general partner of WP from January 1, 1993 through December
1997. Mr. Tanner served as a Vice President of EMW from January 1, 1991 to 1993
and was an associate at EMW from March 1986 to December 1990. Mr. Tanner is a
director of Golden Books Family Entertainment, Inc., and several privately held
companies. Mr. Tanner previously served as a director of the Company from
December 1994 through May 1996.
The following table sets forth information as of March 16, 1998 with
respect to the beneficial ownership of Common Shares and the applicable voting
rights attached to such share ownership in accordance with the Bye-Laws by (i)
each person known by the Company to own beneficially 5% or more of the
outstanding Common Shares; (ii) each director of the Company; (iii) the
Company's Chief Executive Officer and each of the four remaining most highly
compensated executive officers (collectively, the "Named Executive Officers");
and (iv) all executive officers and directors of the Company as a group.
Number of Percentage of
Beneficial Owner(1) Common Shares(2) Voting Rights
- ------------------- ---------------- -------------
Warburg, Pincus Investors, L.P. (3)
466 Lexington Avenue
New York, New York 10017 ......................... 3,873,402 18.0%
PT Investments, Inc. (4)
3003 Summer Street
Stamford, Connecticut 06904 ...................... 2,448,504(5) 7.9
GE Investment Private Placement Partners I -
Insurance, Limited Partnership (4)
3003 Summer Street
Stamford, Connecticut 06904 ...................... 318,213(6) *
United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company
6225 Centennial Way
Baltimore, Maryland 21209 ........................ 2,426,137 11.3
Harris Associates L.P. ...........................
Two North LaSalle Street, Suite 500
Chicago, Illinois (7) ............................ 1,680,000 7.8
Oppenheimer Capital
Oppenheimer Tower, World Financial Center
New York, New York 10281 (8) ..................... 1,301,300 6.1
James N. Stanard (9) ............................. 1,124,727 5.2
Keith S. Hynes (10) .............................. 212,414 *
William I. Riker (11) ............................ 196,339 *
John M. Lummis (12) .............................. 5,000 *
David A. Eklund (13) ............................. 76,271 *
Arthur S. Bahr (14) .............................. 15,621 *
Thomas A. Cooper (15) ............................ 3,457 *
Edmund B. Greene (16) ............................ -- --
Dan L. Hale (17) ................................. -- --
Gerald L. Igou (16) .............................. -- --
Kewsong Lee (3) .................................. -- --
Howard H. Newman (3) ............................. -- --
Scott E. Pardee (18) ............................. 3,675 *
John C. Sweeney (17) ............................. -- --
David A. Tanner .................................. -- --
All executive officers and directors of the
Company (15 persons) ........................... 1,637,504 7.6
- ------------
* Less than 1%
(footnotes appear on next page)
(1) Pursuant to the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"Commission"), shares are deemed to be "beneficially owned" by a person if
such person directly or indirectly has or shares the power to vote or
dispose of such shares whether or not such person has any pecuniary
interest in such shares or the right to acquire the power to vote or
dispose of such shares within 60 days, including any right to acquire
through the exercise of any option, warrant or right.
(2) Unless otherwise noted, consists solely of Full Voting Common Shares.
(3) The sole general partner of Warburg is WP, a New York general partnership.
EMW LLC, a New York limited liability company, manages Warburg. The
members of EMW LLC are substantially the same as the partners of WP.
Lionel I. Pincus is the managing partner of WP and the managing member of
EMW LLC, and may be deemed to control both WP and EMW LLC. WP, as the sole
general partner of Warburg, has a 20% interest in the profits of Warburg.
WP and EMW may be deemed to beneficially own the Full Voting Common Shares
owned by Warburg within the meaning of Rule 16a-1 under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). Kewsong Lee and
Howard H. Newman, each a director of the Company, are Managing Directors
and members of EMW LLC and general partners of WP. As such, Messrs. Lee
and Newman may be deemed to have an indirect pecuniary interest (within
the meaning of Rule 16a-1 under the Exchange Act) in an indeterminate
portion of the Common Shares beneficially owned by Warburg, EMW and WP.
Each of Messrs. Lee and Newman disclaims "beneficial ownership" of the
Full Voting Common Shares owned by Warburg within the meaning of Rule
13d-3 under the Exchange Act.
(4) Does not include any Common Shares indirectly held by Trustees of General
Electric Pension Trust ("GE Pension Trust") or GE Investment Private
Placement Partners I, Limited Partnership ("GE Investment") by virtue of
GE Pension Trust's limited partnership interest in Warburg or as a result
of GE Pension Trust's or GE Investment's indirect interest in USF&G by
virtue of GE Pension Trust's, GE Investment's and certain of their
affiliates' holdings of 1,713,302 shares of Common Stock of USF&G
Corporation, the parent company of USF&G. GE Investment Management is the
general partner of GE Investment and a wholly owned subsidiary of General
Electric Company. As a result, each of GE Investment Management and
General Electric Company ("GEC") may be deemed to be the beneficial owner
of the Common Shares owned by GE Investment. GEC disclaims such beneficial
ownership, within the meaning of the Exchange Act or otherwise.
(5) Consists solely of DVI Shares.
(6) Consists solely of DVII Shares.
(7) According to a Statement on Schedule 13G filed with the Commission on
February 6, 1998, Harris Associates L.P. ("Harris"), an Investment Adviser
registered under Section 203 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the
"Investment Advisers Act"), and Harris Associates, Inc., the General
Partner of Harris ("Harris Inc."), each of Harris and Harris Inc. may be
deemed to be the beneficial owner of 1,680,000 Common Shares by reason of
advisory and other relationships with the persons who own such Common
Shares. Harris and Harris Inc. each reported shared voting and shared
dispositive power with respect to such Common Shares. According to such
Schedule 13G, these shares include 1,650,000 Common Shares owned by Harris
Associates Investment Trust (the "Trust") through the various series of
the Trust. Harris serves as investment advisor to the Trust, and
accordingly the Common Shares owned by the Trust are included as Common
Shares over which Harris has shared voting and dispositive power, and thus
as Common Shares beneficially owned by Harris because of Harris's power to
manage the Trust's investments.
(8) According to a Statement on Schedule 13G filed with the Commission on
February 27, 1998, Oppenheimer Capital, an Investment Adviser registered
under Section 203 of the Investment Advisers
Act ("Oppenheimer"), may be deemed to be the beneficial owner of 1,301,300
Common Shares by reason of advisory and other relationships with the
persons who own such Common Shares. Oppenheimer reported shared voting and
shared dispositive power with respect to such Common Shares.
(9) Includes 219,540 Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of options under
the Second Amended and Restated 1993 Stock Incentive Plan of RenaissanceRe
Holdings Ltd. (the "Incentive Plan") that are vested and presently
exercisable, and 111,111 restricted shares.
(10) Includes 47,458 Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of options under
the Incentive Plan that are vested and presently exercisable, and 7,450
restricted shares.
(11) Includes 50,975 Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of options under
the Incentive Plan that are vested and presently exercisable, and 82,450
restricted shares.
(12) Mr. Lummis does not hold any options under the Incentive Plan that are
presently vested and exercisable.
(13) Includes 47,071 Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of options under
the Incentive Plan that are vested and presently exercisable, and 7,450
restricted shares.
(14) Includes 772 Common Shares granted in payment of directors' fees under the
Directors Plan which have not vested, and 4,667 Common Shares issuable
upon the exercise of options under the Directors Plan that are vested and
presently exercisable.
(15) Includes 663 Common Shares granted in payment of directors' fees under the
Directors Plan which have not vested, and 2,667 Common Shares issuable
upon the exercise of options under the Directors Plan that are vested and
presently exercisable.
(16) Mr. Greene is the Deputy Treasurer-Insurance of General Electric Company
and Mr. Igou is a Vice President-Investment Analyst for GEIC. Messrs.
Greene and Igou disclaim "beneficial ownership," within the meaning of
Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, of the Common Shares owned by PT
Investments and GE Insurance.
(17) Mr. Hale is an Executive Vice President and the Chief Financial Officer of
USF&G, and Mr. Sweeney is a Senior Vice President and the Chief Investment
Officer of USF&G. Each of Messrs. Hale and Sweeney disclaims "beneficial
ownership" within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act or
otherwise of the Common Shares owned by USF&G.
(18) Includes 475 Common Shares granted in payment of directors' fees under the
Directors Plan which have not vested, and 2,667 Common Shares issuable
upon the exercise of options under the Directors Plan that are vested and
presently exercisable.
Transactions with USF&G and GEI
The Company has in force several reinsurance treaties with USF&G,
subsidiaries of USF&G and affiliates of PT Investments and GE Insurance
(collectively, "GEI") covering property catastrophe risks in several geographic
zones. The terms of these treaties with USF&G, subsidiaries of USF&G and
affiliates of GEI were determined in arms' length negotiations and the Company
believes that such terms are comparable to terms the Company would expect to
negotiate in similar transactions with unrelated parties. For the year ended
December 31, 1997, the Company received approximately $4.0 million and $23.1
million in reinsurance premiums and deposits from subsidiaries of USF&G and
affiliates of GEI, respectively.
During the year ended December 31, 1997, the Company received 4.4% of its
premium assumed from the reinsurance brokerage firm of Bates Turner Inc., a GE
Capital Services company and an affiliate of GEI ("Bates"). The Company paid
commissions to Bates in the aggregate amount of $0.8 million in 1997. The terms
of such commissions were determined in arms' length negotiations.
Investment Advisory Agreements
During 1997, each of Warburg, Pincus Counsellors Bermuda ("Counsellors"),
an affiliate of Warburg, and GE Investment Management Incorporated ("GE
Investment Management"), an affiliate of GEI, engaged in investment advisory
activities on behalf of Reinsurance, subject to Reinsurance's investment
guidelines. The terms of such service were determined in arms' length
negotiations and reviewed by the Investment Committee of the Board. Fees paid to
Counsellors and GE Investment Management aggregated $0.4 million and $0.5
million, respectively, for the year ended December 31, 1997.
Falcon Asset Management (Bermuda) Ltd., an indirect wholly-owned
subsidiary of USF&G, provides investment advisory services to the Company under
an Investment Management Agreement dated March 15, 1997, the terms of which were
determined in arms' length negotiations. Based on current assets under
management, Falcon receives a quarterly fee of $37,500 under the agreement.
Total fees received by Falcon during 1997 were $116,528.
Employee Credit Facility
In order to encourage employee ownership of Common Shares, the Company has
guaranteed certain loan and pledge agreements (collectively, the "Employee
Credit Facility") between certain employees of the Company (the "Participating
Employees") and Bank of America Illinois ("BofA"). Pursuant to the terms of the
Employee Credit Facility, BofA has agreed to loan the Participating Employees up
to an aggregate of $25 million solely to purchase Common Shares and to pay
certain taxes relating to compensation payable in Common Shares. Each loan under
the Employee Credit Facility is required to be initially collateralized by the
respective Participating Employee with Common Shares or other collateral
acceptable to BofA at a rate of 2.25 times the amount of each such loan. If the
value of the collateral provided by a Participating Employee subsequently
decreases below 1.5 times the outstanding loan amount, such Participating
Employee is required to contribute additional collateral in the amount of such
deficiency. Loans under the Employee Credit Facility are otherwise nonrecourse
to the Participating Employees.
Loan and Pledge Agreements
In connection with an equity recapitalization of the Company in March 1995
(the "1995 Recapitalization"), the Company amended and restated the Incentive
Plan, issued an aggregate of 787,500 restricted Full Voting Common Shares (the
"Restricted Shares") to Messrs. Stanard, Currie, Hynes, Riker and Eklund
thereunder and entered into loan and pledge agreements with each of such persons
to assist them in meeting their respective income tax obligations relating to
their receipt of such Full Voting Common Shares. The full amount of all of such
loans and accrued interest was repaid Mr. Hynes in 1996 and by Mr. Currie in
1997. Also, in 1997 the full amount of such loans were repaid by each of Messrs.
Stanard, Eklund and Riker with proceeds drawn down under the Employee Credit
Shareholders Agreement
Warburg, PT Investments, GE Insurance and USF&G (collectively, the
"Investors") are parties to an amended and restated shareholders agreement (the
"Shareholders Agreement") among themselves and the Company, pursuant to which
the Company and the Investors have each agreed to use their respective
reasonable best efforts to nominate and to elect certain designees of the
Investors to the Board, as described below. Accordingly, the Shareholders
Agreement provides the Investors with the ability, if they act in concert, to
elect a majority of the members of the Board and approve or prevent certain
actions requiring shareholder approval, including adopting amendments to the
Bye-Laws and approving a merger or consolidation, liquidation or sale of all or
substantially all of the assets of the Company. Pursuant to the Shareholders
Agreement, the number of directors serving on the Board is fixed at 11;
provided, that a majority of the Board may determine to expand the size of the
Board to 12 directors.
Pursuant to the terms of the Shareholders Agreement, Warburg presently has
the right to designate three members of the Board, and each of PT Investments,
GE Insurance and USF&G presently has the right to designate one member of the
Board, respectively.
At such time as Warburg owns less than 3,706,146 Common Shares, but at
least 1,853,073 Common Shares, the number of directors that Warburg shall be
entitled to nominate shall be reduced to two. At such time as Warburg owns less
than 1,853,073 Common Shares, but at least 741,229 Common Shares, the number of
directors that Warburg shall be entitled to nominate shall be reduced to one. At
such time as any one of Warburg, PT Investments or USF&G shall own less than
741,229 Common Shares, then such party shall no longer be entitled to nominate
any director to the Board.
GE Insurance, so long as it owns any Common Shares, shall be entitled to
nominate one director to the Board. At such time as PT Investments and GE
Insurance shall, in the aggregate, own less than 1,853,073 Common Shares, then
PT Investments shall not have any right to nominate a director and GE Insurance
shall have the right to nominate one director. At such time as GE Insurance
shall own no Common Shares and PT Investments shall own at least 741,229 Common
Shares, GE Insurance shall not have the right to nominate a director and PT
Investments shall have the right to nominate one director to the Board.
Registration Rights
The Investors are parties to an amended and restated registration rights
agreement (the "Registration Rights Agreement") among themselves and the
Company, pursuant to which each Investor has the right to require registration
by the Company on three, in the case of GEI, and two, in the case of each of
Warburg and USF&G, separate occasions at any time of the Full Voting Common
Shares, Diluted Voting Shares or Full
Voting Common Shares issued upon conversion of Diluted Voting Shares
(collectively, the "Registrable Securities") held by any such person, as the
case may be; provided, however, that the Company is required to honor a demand
for registration of Diluted Voting Shares only if it shall be a condition to the
delivery of the Diluted Voting Shares contemplated by such registration that,
immediately following the sale thereof by such holder, such Diluted Voting
Shares shall be converted into Full Voting Common Shares. The Company has the
right once in any twelve-month period to not effect a demand for registration
for up to 120 days if, in the good faith judgment of the Board, it would be
seriously detrimental to the Company and its shareholders to effect such
registration. In connection with such registrations, the Company is required to
bear all registration and selling expenses, other than underwriting fees and
commissions. The Company currently does not intend to list the Diluted Voting
Shares on the NYSE. Registration rights under the Registration Rights Agreement
are transferable to an assignee or transferee of Registrable Securities in
accordance with the terms of the Registration Rights Agreement.
The Company has filed a registration statement on Form S-8 under the
Securities Act (File No. 333-06339) registering for sale an aggregate of
2,312,500 Full Voting Common Shares issued pursuant to the Incentive Plan and
the Director Plan. The Company will file, subject to approval of the Directors
Plan Proposal by the requisite affirmative shareholder vote at the Annual
Meeting, an amended registration statement on Form S-8 registering for sale
under the Securities Act an additional 100,000 Full Voting Common Shares
available for issuance pursuant to the Directors Plan, as amended.
Board of Directors Meetings; Board Committee Meetings
During 1997, the Board met six times, the Audit Committee met two times,
the Investment Committee met three times, and the Compensation Committee met one
time. Each of the Company's Directors attended at least 75% of the total number
of meetings of the Board and Committees on which he served.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee of the Board presently consists of Messrs. Bahr,
Cooper, Lee, Hale and Pardee and is responsible for meeting with the Company's
independent accountants regarding, among other issues, audits and adequacy of
the Company's accounting and control systems.
Compensation Committee; Compensation Sub-Committee
The Compensation Committee of the Board presently consists of Messrs.
Bahr, Cooper, Hale and Newman, and has the authority to establish compensation
policies and recommend compensation programs to the Board. A sub-committee of
the Compensation Committee (the "Sub-Committee"), which presently consists of
Messrs. Bahr and Cooper, has the authority to grant options ("Options") and
restricted Full Voting Common Shares (the "Restricted Shares") under the
Incentive Plan and to administer the Incentive Plan and the Company's bonus
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee of the Board presently consists of Messrs. Igou,
Pardee, Stanard, Sweeney and Tanner and has the authority to establish
investment policies and the responsibility for oversight of investment managers
of the Company's investment portfolio.
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Under the Exchange Act, the Company's directors and executive officers,
and any persons holding more than 10% of the outstanding Common Shares are
required to report their initial ownership of Common Shares and any subsequent
changes in that ownership to the Commission. Specific due dates for these
reports have been established by the Commission, and the Company is required to
disclose in this Proxy Statement any failure by such persons to file these
reports in a timely manner during the 1997 fiscal year. Based upon the Company's
review of copies of such reports furnished to it, the Company believes that
during the 1997 fiscal year its executive officers and directors and the holders
of more than 10% of the outstanding Common Shares complied with all reporting
requirements of Section 16(a) under the Exchange Act.
Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation
Executive Compensation Policy. The Company's compensation policy for all
of its executive officers is formulated and administered by the Sub-Committee of
the Board's Compensation Committee. The Sub-Committee also administers the
Incentive Plan, under which the Sub-Committee periodically grants Options and
Restricted Shares to the executive officers and other employees of the Company.
Exercise prices and vesting terms of Options granted under such Plan are in the
sole discretion of the Sub-Committee.
The Company engaged the services of Sibson & Company, independent
consultants on executive compensation, during 1996 to review the executive
compensation program and make recommendations to the Compensation Committee
regarding the design and guiding principles of the program.
The primary goals of the Company's compensation policy are to continue to
attract and retain talented executives at the Company's offshore location, to
reward results (i.e., contribution to shareholder value, benchmarked results for
key performance factors and accomplishment of agreed-upon goals) and to
encourage teamwork. The Compensation Committee believes that the total
compensation awarded should be concentrated in equity-based incentives to link
the interests of executives more closely with the interests of the Company's
shareholders. In determining the level of executive compensation, the
Compensation Committee evaluates whether the compensation awarded to an
executive is competitive with compensation awarded to executives holding similar
positions at selected peer companies, combined with an evaluation of the
executive's performance.
During 1997, the Company entered into amended employment agreements with
each of the Named Executive Officers and all of the officers of the Company and
its subsidiaries. These new employment agreements were entered into in
recognition of the significant contribution of the officers of the Company and
its subsidiaries to the success of the Company and the enhancement of
shareholder value, to seek to ensure the continued retention of these key
employees into the future, and to incentivize these employees and further align
their interests with those of the shareholders by weighting significantly the
compensation of such officers with equity-based incentives. The Compensation
Committee reviews and approves the base salary component and cost of living
allowances awarded to such executives under their respective employment
agreements. The Sub-Committee may award discretionary annual cash bonuses.
The Sub-Committee may also grant Options and/or Restricted Shares to such
executives. Generally, Options are granted at a price equal to the fair market
value of the Full Voting Common Shares on the date of the grant. The
Compensation Committee believes that such executives' beneficial ownership
positions in the Company, as a result of their respective personal investments
and the Options and Restricted Shares granted to them, cause their interests to
be well aligned with those of the Company and its shareholders.
Chief Executive Officer's Compensation. The compensation of James N.
Stanard, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, is determined and
reviewed by the Compensation Committee. In determining Mr. Stanard's
compensation, the Compensation Committee evaluates Mr. Stanard's contributions
toward creation and enhancement of shareholder value, including the achievement
of agreed-upon objectives. The Compensation Committee considers subjective
factors, such as Mr. Stanard's dedication and leadership abilities, as well as
objective factors, such as his impact on the financial and operating performance
of the Company. The Compensation Committee believes that the continuing
development of the Company, the excellent operating results of the Company, the
execution of the Company's capital plan, the success in motivating the employees
the Company, the articulation of the strategic vision of the Company and the
current market position of the Company were significantly impacted by Mr.
Stanard and members of his management team.
In recognition of Mr. Standard's contribution to Company and to the
enhancement of shareholder value, the Committee resolved that it would be in the
best interests of the Company and its shareholders to retain Mr. Stanard to
ensure that his contribution to the Company and the shareholders would continue.
In July 1997, as described below, the Company entered into an amended employment
agreement with Mr. Stanard under which Mr. Stanard would continue as Chief
Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of the Company until July 1, 2001.
Consistent with the Compensation Committee's general compensation
philosophy for the Company's executives, Mr. Stanard's compensation has been
weighted significantly towards equity-based incentives, and Mr. Stanard's annual
salary and cash bonuses have been targeted at the average of cash and bonus
compensation paid to chief executive officers at selected peer companies. The
Compensation Committee believes that Mr. Stanard's beneficial ownership position
in the Company, as a result of his personal investment and the Options and
Restricted Shares granted to him, cause his interests to be well aligned with
the long term interests of the Company and its shareholders.
The Company is not a United States taxpayer, therefore, Section 162(m) of
the Code (which generally disallows a tax deduction to public companies for
annual compensation over $1 million paid to the chief executive officer or any
of the four other most highly compensated executive officers) does not apply to
the Company's compensation payments.
Arthur S. Bahr, Chairman
Thomas A. Cooper
Dan L. Hale
Howard H. Newman
Performance Graph
The following graph compares the cumulative return on the Common Shares
during the fiscal periods ended December 31, 1995, 1996 and 1997 to such return
for the Standard & Poor's ("S&P") 500 Composite Stock Price Index and S&P's
Property-Casualty Industry Group Stock Price Index for the period commencing
with the effective date of the Company's initial public offering of Common
Shares on July 26, 1995 (the "Initial Public Offering") and ending on December
31, 1997, assuming (i) $100 was invested on July 26, 1995 (the effective date of
the Initial Public Offering for which the initial price to the public was $19.50
per Common Share) and (ii) reinvestment of dividends. Each measurement point on
the graph below represents the cumulative shareholder return as measured by the
last sale price at the end of each calendar year during the period from July 26,
1995 through December 31, 1997. As depicted in the graph below, during this
period, the cumulative total return (1) for the Common Shares was 127.9%, (2)
for the S&P 500 Composite Stock Price Index was 81.8% and (3) for the S&P
Property-Casualty Industry Group Stock Price Index was 118.7%.
7/26/95 12/31/95 12/31/96 12/31/97
------- -------- -------- --------
RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. $100 $142.16 $ 158.69 $ 218.29
S&P 500 100 110.89 135.30 181.34
S&P Property-Casualty Industry
Group Stock Price Index 100 124.24 151.11 217.65
Executive Compensation
The following Summary Compensation Table sets forth information concerning
the compensation for services paid to the Named Executive Officers during the
years ended December 31, 1997, 1996 and 1995.
Summary Compensation Table
- ----------------
(1) The 1997 amounts for Messrs. Hynes, Riker, Eklund and Currie include
respective grants of 3,158 common shares that were issued in lieu of a
cash bonus under the Incentive Plan.
(2) The 1997 amount includes housing expense reimbursements in the amount of
$173,040, $108,000, $108,000, $94,500, and $36,000 for Messrs. Stanard,
Hynes, Riker, Currie and Lummis, respectively. The 1997 amount also
includes $90,203 in moving expense reimbursement for Mr. Lummis. The 1996
amount includes housing expense reimbursements in the amount of $190,652,
$108,000, $105,000, $108,000 and $108,000 for Messrs. Stanard, Currie,
Eklund, Hynes and Riker, respectively. The 1995 amount includes housing
expense reimbursements in the amount of $188,958, $97,500, $79,500,
$100,650 and $75,000 for Messrs. Stanard, Currie, Eklund, Hynes and Riker,
(footnotes continue on next page)
(3) In 1997, Mr. Stanard received 111,111 restricted shares in connection with
the employment contract that he entered into in June 1997. The restricted
shares vest ratably over four years. The amounts granted in 1997 for
Messrs. Hynes, Riker, Eklund and Currie represent a grant of 4,292 shares
of restricted stock and 3,158 shares related to the Company's Stock for
Bonus plan whereby certain officers and employees are allowed to receive
up to 50% of their bonus in stock which is matched with restricted stock
which vests over four years. The 1995 amounts represent the value of Bonus
Shares (based on a value of $11.83 per share on March 26, 1995), granted
to the Named Executive Officers in connection with an equity
recapitalization of the Company in 1995. Based on the price of the Full
Voting Common Shares on December 31, 1997, the aggregate value of unvested
restricted shares held by Messrs. Stanard, Hynes, Riker and Eklund was
$4,902,773, $328,731, $328,731 and $328,731, respectively.
(4) Represents the aggregate number of Full Voting Common Shares subject to
Options granted to the Named Executive Officers during 1995, 1996 and
1997, as applicable.
(5) Represents the amounts contributed to the account of each Named Executive
Officer under the Company's profit sharing retirement plan.
(6) Mr. Lummis commenced employment with the Company as Senior Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer on September 8, 1997.
(7) Mr. Currie resigned from the Company on September 16, 1997. At such time,
unvested Options to purchase 129,108 Common Shares and 7,450 unvested
Restricted Shares lapsed and were forfeited.
Stock Option Grants Table
The following table sets forth information concerning individual grants of
options to purchase Full Voting Common Shares made to Named Executive Officers
during 1997.
- -------------------
(1) These Options granted under the Incentive Plan are not qualified as
incentive stock options ("ISOs") within the meaning of Section 422 of the
Code, and vest 25% on each of June 23, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001.
(2) Consists solely of "Reload Options" granted under the Incentive Plan.
Pursuant to the terms of the Incentive Plan, Reload Options are fully
exercisable on the date of grant.
(3) Mr. Currie resigned from the Company on September 16, 1997. At such time,
unvested options to purchase 129,108 Common Shares lapsed and were
Aggregate Stock Option Exercise Table
The following table sets forth information regarding the exercise of
Options by Named Executive Officers during 1997. The table also shows the number
and value of unexercised Options which were granted to the Named Executive
Officers during 1997. The values of unexercised Options are based on a fair
market value of $44.125 per share on December 31, 1997.
- ----------------
(1) The values realized are based on the fair market value of the Full Voting
Common Shares on the date of exercise less the Option exercise price.
(2) The values are based on the fair market value of the Full Voting Common
Shares on December 31, 1997, less the applicable Option exercise price.
Director Compensation
The Directors Plan, as amended, provides equity compensation for those
directors of the Company (the "Non-Employee Directors") who are not employees of
the Company or the Investors, or any of their respective affiliates. Such Plan
provides for (i) annual grants of Full Voting Common Shares with an aggregate
fair market value of $15,000; (ii) grants of options to purchase 6,000 Full
Voting Common Shares upon appointment to the Board (or such later date as the
Board may establish) and options to purchase 2,000 Full Voting Common Shares
upon each re-election to the Board, in each case at an exercise price equal to
the fair market value of the Full Voting Common Shares on the date of grant or
as otherwise determined by the Board; (iii) grants of Full Voting Common Shares
from time to time in such number as the Board may determine; and (iv) grants of
options to purchase Full Voting Common Shares from time to time, at such price
and in such number as the Board may determine. Non-Employee Directors also
receive an annual retainer of $10,000 under such Plan. Non-Employee Directors
also receive a fee of $1,000 for each Board meeting attended and a fee of $500
for each Board committee meeting attended. Additionally, the Company provides to
all directors reimbursement of all expenses incurred in connection with service
on the Board.
Loan and Pledge Agreements
The Company entered into loan and pledge agreements with Messrs. Stanard,
Currie, Eklund, Hynes and Riker to assist them in meeting income tax obligations
relating to their receipt of Base Shares and Bonus Shares pursuant to the 1995
Recapitalization. During 1995, Mr. Hynes repaid the entire amount of the loan
provided to him, plus accrued interest to the repayment date. During 1997,
Messrs. Stanard, Eklund and Riker repaid the amounts owed under such loan
agreements with the proceeds from loans under the Employee Credit Facility. See
"Certain Relationships and Related Transactions."
Employment and Severance Agreements
On July 1, 1997, Reinsurance entered into an Amended and Restated
Employment Agreement with James N. Stanard (the "CEO Employment Agreement"). The
CEO Employment Agreement provides that Mr. Stanard will serve as Chief Executive
Officer of the Company until July 1, 2001, unless terminated earlier as provided
The CEO Employment Agreement currently provides for a base salary of
$412,000 per year. In addition, the CEO Employment Agreement provides for a
one-time bonus of $162,500 to be paid not later than January 1, 1998. Mr.
Stanard is entitled to certain expense reimbursements including reasonable
housing and relocation expenses in connection with his moving to and residing in
Bermuda, reasonable business-related expenses incurred by him in connection with
the performance of his duties, an automobile, first-class air travel for himself
and his family between Bermuda and the United States, professional tax and
financial planning services and tax reimbursement for any additional income tax
liability of Mr. Stanard attributable to certain of the foregoing. Mr. Stanard
may receive an annual bonus consistent with the treatment of other executive
officers of the Company at the discretion of the Compensation Committee. Mr.
Stanard is entitled to an additional annual bonus of $815,000 (the "Additional
Bonus"), plus an additional payment (the "Gross-up Payment") in an amount which,
after reduction of all applicable income taxes incurred by Mr. Stanard in
connection with the Gross-up Payment, is equal to the amount of income tax
payable by Mr. Stanard in respect of the related Additional Bonus.
To the extent that Mr. Stanard borrows funds under the Employee Credit
Facility to pay for taxes incurred in respect of grants of restricted Common
Shares (whether incurred by reason of an election under Section 83(b) of the
Code, or under Section 83(a) of the Code upon the vesting of such Restricted
Shares), Mr. Stanard will be eligible to earn an additional bonus (the "Tax Loan
Bonus"). The potential Tax Loan Bonus will be determined each fiscal year based
on the amount borrowed by Mr. Stanard during that year under the Employee Credit
Facility to pay taxes in respect of the Restricted Shares (the "Borrowed
Amount"), and shall be payable in a maximum amount of 25% of the Borrowed Amount
(including interest paid or accrued thereon) over each of the four years
following the year in which such amounts were borrowed.
In general, a Tax Loan Bonus will be paid only if Reinsurance meets
cumulative return on equity ("ROE") targets for each fiscal year established
under Reinsurance's business plan adopted by the Company's Board. A Tax Loan
Bonus which is not payable for a given fiscal year as a result of Reinsurance's
failure to meet the cumulative ROE target for that year shall be payable in a
subsequent year if Reinsurance meets the cumulative ROE target for that
subsequent year. The base year for determining the cumulative ROE targets shall
be 1997.
The CEO Employment Agreement contains customary provisions relating to
exclusivity of services, non-competition and confidentiality. These provisions
require that Mr. Stanard devote substantially all of his working time to the
business of the Company and Reinsurance, and not engage in business activities
that are competitive with the business of the Company and Reinsurance. As
described below, the non-competition obligation may extend for up to one year
after termination of Mr. Stanard's employment. In addition, Mr. Stanard is
required to maintain in confidence, and not use for his own benefit, any
business secrets or other confidential information concerning the business or
policies of the Company and Reinsurance.
Under the CEO Employment Agreement, "Cause" means Mr. Stanard's (i)
willful and continued failure to substantially perform his duties, (ii) engaging
in willful misconduct which is demonstrably and materially injurious to the
Company or Reinsurance, (iii) commission of an act of fraud or embezzlement
against the Company or Reinsurance, (iv) conviction of a felony or (v) material
breach of his confidentiality or noncompetition obligations. "Good Reason" means
(i) an assignment to Mr. Stanard of duties materially inconsistent with his
current authority, duties or responsibilities, or other material diminution or
adverse change in his current authority, duties or responsibilities without his
consent, (ii) a material breach of the CEO Employment Agreement by Reinsurance,
(iii) a failure by Reinsurance to have any successor be bound by the terms of
the CEO Employment Agreement or (iv) a decision by the Board to effect a winding
down and dissolution of Reinsurance.
The CEO Employment Agreement provides that, in general, upon a termination
of Mr. Stanard's employment for any reason other than death, disability or,
prior to a Change in Control, a termination by Reinsurance without "Cause" or by
Mr. Stanard for "Good Reason," Mr. Stanard may not engage in business practices
competitive with the business of the Company for a period of one year from
termination. In exchange for this non-competition obligation, Reinsurance is
required to pay Mr. Stanard an amount equal to his then current base salary and
the highest regular discretionary bonus paid or payable to Mr. Stanard over the
preceding three fiscal years, in twelve equal monthly installments. Upon certain
terminations of employment, the Company may, within 14 days of such termination,
elect not to enforce the non-competition obligation, in which case it is not
obligated to pay such amounts.
In the event that a Change in Control occurs and, on or within one year
following the date thereof, Mr. Stanard's employment is terminated without
"Cause" or voluntarily by him for "Good Reason," the Company will be required to
pay him within fifteen days following the date of such termination, a lump sum
cash amount equal to two times the sum of (i) the highest rate of annual salary
in effect during Mr. Stanard's employment agreement plus (ii) the highest
regular annual bonus paid or payable to Mr. Stanard over the preceding three
fiscal years.
On June 23, 1997, Reinsurance entered into amended employment agreements
with each of Messrs. Currie, Hynes, Riker and Eklund. These agreements (i)
continue until July 1, 1998 and shall be extended for successive one-year
periods, unless either party gives 30 days notice, (ii) provide for a base
salary at a rate to be determined by the Board in its discretion, upon the
recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, (iii) provide for bonuses payable
at the discretion of the Company, (iv) provide for expense reimbursement
arrangements for relocation, housing and automobile expenses and (v) contain
customary provisions relating to exclusivity of services, non-competition and
confidentiality similar to those contained in the CEO Employment Agreement. Upon
termination of an executive's employment by the Company without "Cause" (as
defined therein), the Company will be required to continue to pay the executive
his then current base salary, and an amount equal to the highest regular annual
bonus paid or payable to the executive over the preceding three fiscal years, in
equal monthly installments commencing upon his termination of employment. For
purposes of these agreements, "Cause" means an executive's (i) failure to
substantially perform his duties, (ii) engaging in misconduct which is injurious
to the Company or any of its divisions, subsidiaries or affiliates, (iii)
commission of an act of fraud or embezzlement against the Company or any of its
divisions, subsidiaries or affiliates, (iv) the conviction of a felony or (v) a
material breach of the executive's exclusivity, confidentiality or
noncompetition obligations. In the event that a Change in Control (as defined in
the agreements) occurs and, on or within one year following the date of such
Change in Control, the applicable executive's employment is terminated without
Cause, or the Company elects not to extend the term of the employment agreement,
or the applicable executive terminates his employment for "Good Reason" the
Company will be required to pay such executive within fifteen days following the
date of such termination, a lump sum cash amount equal to two times the sum of
(i) the highest rate of annual salary in effect during the executive's
employment agreement plus (ii) the highest regular annual
bonus paid or payable to the applicable executive over the preceding three
fiscal years. "Good Reason" means (i) any action taken or failed to be taken by
the Company which changes the executive's position, authority, duties, or
Control, or reduces the ability of the applicable executive to carry out such
responsibilities, (ii) any failure by the Company to comply with the applicable
salary, bonus and benefits provisions contained in such executive's employment
agreement, (iii) any requirement by the Company that the applicable executive be
employed at any location other than his current Bermuda location, and (iv) any
failure by the Company to obtain the assumption of an agreement to perform this
agreement by a successor or assignee.
On February 4, 1998, Mr. Riker entered into an amended employment
agreement in connection with his appointment as President and Chief Operating
Officer of Reinsurance to replace the employment agreement between him and the
Company entered into on June 23, 1997. The amended agreement expires on June 30,
2003 and is otherwise substantially similar to Mr. Riker's previous agreement,
except that the new agreement provides for the grant of 75,000 Restricted Shares
that will vest at the rate of 20% per year on a cumulative basis, commencing on
June 30, 1999.
Mr. Currie resigned as Senior Vice President of the Company on September
16, 1997. Pursuant to his separation agreement with the Company, Mr. Currie will
receive a monthly severance payment for a 12-month period commencing
retroactively to June 1, 1997 and ending on May 31, 1998 in the amount of
$41,417, representing one-twelfth of the sum of Mr. Currie's then-current annual
salary and the highest bonus paid to Mr. Currie over the three preceding fiscal
years. Additionally, Mr. Currie exercised an aggregate of vested options to
purchase 75,681 Common Shares granted pursuant to the Incentive Plan.
On September 8, 1997, Reinsurance entered into an employment agreement
with Mr. Lummis substantially similar to the employment agreements entered into
by Messrs. Currie, Hynes, Riker and Eklund.
Stock Bonus Plan
During 1997, the Company's Board of Directors approved an employee stock
bonus plan (the "Stock Bonus Plan") pursuant to which the Board may issue Common
Shares under the Incentive Plan. Under the Stock Bonus Plan, eligible employees
may elect to receive a grant of Common Shares of up to 50% of their bonus in
lieu of cash, with an associated matching grant of an equal number of Restricted
Shares. The Restricted Shares vest ratably over three years. During the
restricted period, the employee receives dividends on and votes the Restricted
Shares, but the Restricted Shares may not be sold, transferred or assigned. In
1997, the Company issued 23,212 Common Shares, 23,212 matching Restricted Shares
and 128,279 Restricted Shares under the Stock Bonus Plan having an aggregate
value of approximately $6.6 million.
New Plan Benefits Table
RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.
Amended and Restated Non-Employee Directors Stock Plan
Name and Position Dollar Value Number of Units
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
James N. Stanard, President and Chief
Executive Officer .............................. * *
Keith S. Hynes, Executive Vice President ....... * *
William I. Riker, Executive Vice President ..... * *
John M. Lummis, Senior Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer ........................ * *
David A. Eklund, Executive Vice President,
Renaissance Reinsurance Ltd. ................... * *
Neill A. Currie ................................ * *
Named Executive Officers ....................... * *
Non-Executive Director Group ................... ** **
Non-Executive Officer Employee Group ........... * *
- ------------------
* Not eligible to participate.
** See discussion of the Directors Plan under "Director Compensation" above.
The Board presently consists of 11 directors who are elected to serve
until the next annual general meeting of shareholders or until their successors
are duly elected. Unless otherwise specified, the accompanying form of proxy
will be voted for each of the nominees named below (the "Nominees") as a
Director. If the Company Classified Board Proposal is not adopted at the Annual
Meeting, all Nominees will stand for election for the period from the Annual
Meeting until the Company's 1999 annual general meeting or until their
successors are duly elected and qualified. If the Company Classified Board
Proposal (discussed below) is adopted at the Annual Meeting, the Company's
Bye-Laws will be amended to provide for a Board divided into three classes of
directors who shall be elected to serve as follows: (i) four of the eleven
directors will be Class I Directors who shall serve until the Company's 1999
annual general meeting of shareholders; (ii) three of the eleven directors will
be Class II Directors who shall serve until the Company's 2000 annual general
meeting of shareholders; and (iii) four of the eleven directors will be Class
III Directors who shall serve until the Company's 2001 annual general meeting of
shareholders. If any Nominee shall, prior to the Annual Meeting, become
unavailable for election as a director, the persons named in the accompanying
form of proxy will vote for such other nominee, if any, in their discretion as
may be recommended by the Board.
Class I Directors:
- ------------------
Name Age Position
- ---- --- --------
Edmund B. Greene 59 Director
Scott E. Pardee 61 Director
John C. Sweeney 53 Director
David A. Tanner 39 Director
Class II Directors:
- -------------------
Name Age Position
- ---- --- --------
Thomas A. Cooper 61 Director
Kewsong Lee 32 Director
James N. Stanard 49 President and Chief Executive
Officer, Chairman of the Board
Class III Directors:
- --------------------
Name Age Position
- ---- --- --------
Arthur S. Bahr 66 Director
Dan L. Hale 53 Director
Gerald L. Igou 63 Director
Howard H. Newman 50 Director
Recommendation and Vote
Approval of the election of the Nominees to the Board requires the
affirmative vote of a majority of the voting rights attached to the Common
Shares present, in person or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the election of the Nominees
to the Board.
The Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the Company
and its shareholders to adopt certain amendments to the Bye-Laws and a related
amendment to the Company's Memorandum of Association, to enhance the Company's
ability to resist attempts to gain control of the Company that the Board
believes are not in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders.
The Charter Amendment Proposals described below could make more difficult
or discourage the removal of the Company's management, which some or a majority
of holders of the Common Shares may believe to be beneficial, and could
discourage or make more difficult or expensive, among other transactions, a
merger involving the Company, or a tender offer, open market Common Share
purchase program or other purchases of Common Shares in circumstances that would
give shareholders the opportunity to realize a premium on the sale of their
Common Shares over then-prevailing market prices, which some or a majority of
such holders may deem to be in their best interests. The summaries of the
proposed amendments to the Company's Bye-Laws and the proposed amendment to the
Company's Memorandum of Association which follow are qualified in their entirety
by express reference to the attached summaries of each such proposed amendment,
the texts of which are attached hereto as Appendix A.
Background and Reasons for the Adoption of the Charter Amendment Proposals
In 1993, the Company was organized and capitalized by Warburg, USF&G, and
certain affiliates of PT Investments and GE Insurance (the "Founding
Institutional Investors"). Over the last several years, the Company, the
Founding Institutional Investors and their affiliates have engaged in several
public offerings of Common Shares.
The Board believes that, over time, the Company may ultimately no longer
have a group of controlling shareholders and that the Company could be subject
to coercive takeover tactics which might impede the long-term business prospects
of the Company. In view of this change, the Board is recommending that the
Company's shareholders adopt the following Charter Amendment Proposals at the
Annual Meeting with a view toward better enabling the Company to (i) develop its
business through long-range planning and to foster its long-term growth, (ii)
attempt to avoid the necessity of sacrificing these plans for the sake of
short-term gains and the disruptions caused by any threat of a takeover not
deemed by the Board to be in the best interests of the Company and its
shareholders and (iii) allow the Board to make a reasoned and unpressured
evaluation in the event of an unsolicited takeover proposal. In addition,
although the Board has determined not to do so at the present time, in the
future the Board may determine to adopt a shareholders rights plan. Similar
considerations would apply to the adoption by the Board of a shareholders rights
Adoption of the Charter Amendments may discourage certain types of
transactions, as described below, which may involve an actual or threatened
change of control of the Company. The measures set forth therein are designed to
make it more difficult and time-consuming to change, among other things,
majority control of the Board and thus reduce the vulnerability of the Company
to an unsolicited proposal for a takeover of the Company, particularly one that
is made at an inadequate price or does not contemplate the acquisition of all of
the Common Shares, or an unsolicited proposal for the restructuring or sale of
all or part of the Company. The Board believes that, as a general rule, such
proposals would not be in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders.
However, certain shareholders of the Company may view an unsolicited proposal
for a takeover of the Company as being in their best interests and, accordingly,
to the extent these measures deter unsolicited takeover proposals, such
shareholders may not view such measures as being in their best interests.
Moreover, the super-majority vote requirement set forth in the
Super-Majority Amendment Proposal will enable a minority of the Company's
shareholders to prevent a majority of the Company's shareholders from amending
certain provisions of the Company's Bye-Laws.
Historically, the accumulation of substantial stock positions in public
companies by third parties is sometimes a prelude to proposing a takeover,
restructuring or sale of all or part of such companies or other similar
extraordinary corporate action or simply as a means to put such companies "in
play." Such actions are often undertaken by the third party without advance
notice to, or consultation with, the board of directors or management of such
companies. In many cases, the purchaser seeks representation on the particular
company's board of directors in order to increase the likelihood that its
proposal will be implemented by the company. If the company resists the efforts
of the purchaser to obtain representation on the particular company's board, the
purchaser may commence a proxy contest to have its nominee elected to the board
in place of certain directors or the entire board. In a number of cases, the
purchaser may not truly be interested in taking over the company, but uses the
threat of a proxy fight and/or a bid to take over the company as a means of
forcing the company to repurchase the purchaser's equity position at a
substantial premium over the existing market price or as a means to put the
company into "play" solely to reap short-term gains from his recent accumulation
of stock.
The Board believes that the imminent threat of removal of the Company's
management in such situations would severely curtail management's ability to
negotiate effectively with such purchasers. In addition, the Board believes that
the ability of a third party to put the Company "in play" would severely curtail
management's ability to negotiate effectively with any other third party
interested in acquiring the Company. The Company's management would be deprived
of the time and information necessary to evaluate the takeover proposal, to
study alternative proposals and to help ensure that the best price is obtained
in any transaction involving the Company which may ultimately be undertaken. If
the real purpose of a takeover bid were to force the Company to repurchase an
accumulated share interest at a premium price, management would face the risk
that, if it did not repurchase the purchaser's share interest, the Company's
business and management would be disrupted, perhaps irreparably.
In the view of the Board, adoption of the Charter Amendment Proposals will
help ensure that the Board, if confronted by a proposal from a third party which
has acquired a block of the Common Shares or which has otherwise proposed a
change in control of the Company, will have sufficient time to review the
proposal and appropriate alternatives to the proposal and to act in what the
Board believes to be the best interests of the Company and its shareholders.
Set forth below is a description of each of the Charter Amendment
Proposals recommended by the Board for adoption by the shareholders at the
Annual Meeting. Other than the adoption of the Charter Amendment Proposals by
the shareholders and the potential future adoption by the Board of a
shareholders rights plan, the Board has no current plans to formulate or effect
any additional measures that could have an anti-takeover effect. The Board is
not aware of any pending proposals to acquire control of the Company.
Under the Company Classified Board Proposal, approximately one-third of
the Board will be elected each year at the annual general meeting of
shareholders. The directors will be divided into three classes, designated as
Class I, Class I and Class III. Each class shall consist, as nearly as may be
possible, of one-third of the total number of directors constituting the entire
Board. The term of the initial Class I directors shall terminate on the date of
the Company's 1999 annual general meeting of shareholders; the term of the
initial Class II directors shall terminate on the date of the Company's 2000
annual general meeting of shareholders; and the term of the initial Class III
directors shall terminate on the date of the Company's 2001 annual general
meeting of shareholders. At each annual general meeting of shareholders
beginning in 1999, successors to the class of directors whose term expires at
each such annual general meeting shall be elected for three-year terms. The
Board believes that adoption of the Company Classified Board Proposal would
reduce the vulnerability of the Company to potentially abusive takeover tactics
and encourage potential acquirors to negotiate with the Board. Establishment of
a classified Board would not preclude unsolicited acquisition proposals but, by
lessening the threat of imminent removal, would enhance the ability of the
incumbent Board to act to maximize the value of a potential acquisition to all
Under the Company Classified Board Proposal, a director shall hold office
until the annual general meeting for the year in which his term expires and
until his successor shall be elected, subject, however, to prior death,
resignation, retirement or removal from office. Any vacancy occurring in the
Board may be filled by a vote of the majority of the directors then in office.
Any director elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office for a term that shall
coincide with the term of the class to which such director was elected.
The Company Classified Board Proposal is advantageous to the Company and its
shareholders because, by providing that directors will serve three-year terms
rather than one-year terms, it will enhance the likelihood of continuity and
stability in the composition of the Board and in the policies formulated by the
Board. This will in turn permit the Board to represent more effectively the
interests of all shareholders, including the taking of action in response to
demands or actions by a minority shareholder or group. In addition, the Company
Classified Board Proposal will facilitate continuity and stability of leadership
and policy by ensuring that a majority of the directors at any given time will
have had prior experience as directors of the Company and familiarity with its
business. It should be noted, however, that the Board has never, to date,
experienced a continuity problem.
In the past, there have been a number of attempts by various individuals
and entities to acquire significant minority positions in certain companies with
the intent of obtaining actual control of the companies by electing their own
slate of directors or of achieving some other goal, such as the repurchase of
their shares at a premium by threatening to obtain such control. These
insurgents often can elect a company's entire board of directors through a proxy
contest or otherwise, even though they do not own a majority of the company's
outstanding shares entitled to vote. The Company Classified Board Proposal may
discourage such purchasers because such Proposal would operate with the
Super-Majority Amendment Proposal discussed below, if both such Proposals are
adopted, to delay the purchaser's ability to obtain control of the Board in a
relatively short period of time. The delay arises because under the Company
Classified Board Proposal and the Super-Majority Amendment Proposal it will
generally take a purchaser two annual meetings of shareholders to elect a
majority of the Board, unless shareholders holding at least 66-2/3% of the
voting rights attached to all issued and outstanding capital shares of the
Company vote to amend the Bye-laws. Alternatively, under the Director Removal
Proposal described below, if such Proposal is adopted, the purchaser would need
to show cause and obtain the affirmative vote of the holders of not less than
66-2/3% of the voting rights attached to all issued and outstanding capital
shares of the company entitled to vote for each director in order to remove any
member of the Board. Also, since neither the Bermuda Companies Act 1981 (the
"Companies Act") nor the Bye-Laws
require cumulative voting, a purchaser of a block of Common Shares of the
Company constituting less than a majority of the outstanding Common Shares will
have no assurance of proportional representation on the Board. Additionally,
although classified board provisions are not designed to be, and are not,
effective against an any-or all cash tender offer, classified board provisions
have provided boards of directors with additional leverage to negotiate
protections for corporate constituencies even after a hostile bidder has
acquired a majority of their company's stock.
The adoption of the Company Classified Board Proposal may deter changes in
the composition of the Board or certain mergers, tender offers or other future
takeover attempts which some or a majority of holders of the Common Shares may
deem to be in their best interest. A classified Board will make it more
difficult for shareholders to change the composition of the Company's Board of
Directors even if some or a majority of the shareholders believe such a change
would be desirable. As a result, it will be more difficult to effect changes in
the Company's policies, business strategies and operations, even if the
shareholders believe that such changes are in their best interests and those of
the Company. In addition, because of the additional time that may be required to
change control of the Board, adoption of a classified Board would tend to
perpetuate incumbent directors, even if they were not adequately fulfilling
their duties. Since adoption of the Company Classified Board Proposal would be
likely to increase the amount of time required for a takeover bidder to obtain
control of the Company without the cooperation of the Company's Board of
Directors, even if the takeover bidder were to acquire a majority of the
outstanding Common Shares, adoption of a classified Board might tend to
discourage certain types of transactions to acquire control of the Company,
which may include transactions some or a majority of the shareholders might feel
would be in their best interests or those of the Company. As a result,
shareholders may be deprived of opportunities to sell some or all of their
shares in a merger or tender offer for control, which usually involves a
purchase price that is higher than the current market price and often involves a
bidding contest between competing bidders. A classified Board could also
discourage open market purchases by a potential takeover bidder, which could
temporarily increase the market price of the Common Shares and thereby enable
shareholders to sell their shares at a price higher than that which would
otherwise have prevailed. In addition, although the Company does not expect this
to be the case, adoption of the Company Classified Board Proposal could decrease
the market price of the Common Shares by making it less attractive to persons
who invest in securities in anticipation of an increase in price if a takeover
attempt develops.
Approval of the Company Classified Board Proposal requires the affirmative
vote of a majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present,
in person or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the Company
Classified Board Proposal.
Under the Director Removal Proposal, each director on the Board may be
removed only for cause upon the affirmative vote of the holders of not less than
66-2/3% of the voting rights attached to all issued and outstanding capital
shares of the Company entitled to vote for the election of such director.
The Company's Bye-Laws presently provide that any director may be removed
with or without cause by the holders of a majority of the shares entitled at the
time to vote in an election of directors.
The Director Removal Proposal is advantageous to the Company and its
shareholders for the same reasons discussed above with respect to the Company
Classified Board Proposal. The effect of these two proposals and the
Super-Majority Amendment Proposal is to delay shareholders who do not approve of
the policies of the Board from removing a majority of the Board for two years,
unless cause can be shown and
holders of 66-2/3% of the voting rights attached to all issued and outstanding
capital shares of the Company entitled to vote thereon approve such removal for
cause. The adoption of the Director Removal Proposal, accordingly, may deter
certain tender offers, takeover attempts or other proposals which some or a
majority of holders of Common Shares may deem to be in their best interest.
Approval of the Director Removal Proposal requires the affirmative vote of
a majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present, in person
or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the Director
Removal Proposal.
Under the Company Board Size Proposal, the Bye-laws will be amended to fix
the size of the Board at eleven directors. The Company Board Size Proposal is
advantageous to the Company and its shareholders because, even with a classified
Board and the elimination of the right to remove directors without cause, a
person or group seeking to take control of the Company could attempt to "pack"
the Board and thereby gain control at a single meeting. This could be
accomplished by proposing an amendment to the Company's Bye-Laws to increase the
size of the Board to a number that would give a person or group seeking to take
control of the Company majority control of the Board if the nominees of such
person or group were elected to fill the newly created directorships. If this
were to occur, a person or group seeking to take control of the Company could
seize control of the Company without having to negotiate with the incumbent
Board. In order to protect the Company from the potentially coercive use of this
tactic, the Board recommends that the shareholders amend the Bye-Laws to fix the
size of the Board at eleven directors. If the Company Board Size Proposal and
the Super-Majority Amendment Proposal (discussed below) are adopted, a person
seeking to take control of the Board will not be able to amend the Bye-laws to
increase the size of the Board without the affirmative vote of the holders of
not less than 66-2/3% of the voting rights attached to all of the issued and
outstanding capital shares of the Company entitled to vote thereon. Adoption of
the Company Board Size Proposal and the Super-Majority Amendment Proposal would
accordingly lessen the ability of a person or group seeking to take control of
the Company to change the size of the Board unilaterally and thereby obtain
immediate control of the Company by packing the Board. The Company therefore
believes that adoption of the Company Board Size Proposal and the Super-Majority
Amendment Proposal would enhance the ability of the Board to negotiate with a
potential bidder to maximize shareholder value.
The Company Board Size Proposal includes a provision authorizing the
Board, in its discretion, to increase the size of the Board from 11 to 12
directors and to fill any such additional position so created. If the size of
the Board is increased and a twelfth director is appointed by the Board, such
director will be a Class II director thereby causing each class of directors to
be comprised of an equal number of directors. The Board believes such provisions
would be beneficial to the Company because it would it would enable the Board to
admit an attractive potential candidate as a member of the Board while retaining
the existing members, whom the Board believes have contributed to the success of
the Company and the enhancement of shareholder value. However, the Board has not
presently identified any such potential candidate, and there can be assurance
the Company will succeed in identifying or retaining such a candidate to the
Approval of the Company Board Size Proposal requires the affirmative vote
of a majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present, in
person or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the Company
Board Size Proposal.
The Nomination Proposal provides that the shareholders may nominate one or
more persons for election as director or directors at an annual or special
general meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of electing directors
only if written notice signed by not less than 20 shareholders holding in the
aggregate not less than 10% of the outstanding paid up share capital of the
Company stating such shareholders' intent to make such nomination has been given
to the Secretary of the Company: (a) in the case of an annual general meeting,
not less than 60 days nor more than 90 days prior to the anniversary date of the
immediately preceding annual general meeting of shareholders; provided, however,
that in the event that the annual general meeting is called for a date that is
not within 30 days before or after such anniversary date, notice by the
shareholder in order to be timely must be received no later than the close of
business on the tenth day following the day on which such notice of the date of
the annual general meeting was mailed or such public disclosure of the date of
the annual general meeting was made, whichever first occurs; and (b) in the case
of a special general meeting called for the purpose of electing directors, not
later than the close of business on the tenth day following the day on which
notice of the date of the special general meeting was mailed or public
disclosure of the date of the special general meeting was made, whichever first
Such shareholder's notice shall set forth (a) as to each person whom the
shareholder proposes to nominate for election as a director: (i) the name, age,
business address and residence address of the person; (ii) the principal
occupation or employment of the person; (iii) the class or series and number of
shares of capital stock of the Company which are owned beneficially or of record
by the person; and (iv) any other information relating to the person that would
be required to be disclosed in a proxy statement or other filings required to be
made in connection with solicitations of proxies for election of directors
pursuant to Section 14 of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations
promulgated thereunder (the "Proxy Filings"); and (b) as to the shareholder
giving the notice: (i) the name and record address of such shareholder; (ii) the
class or series and number of shares of capital stock of the Company which are
owned beneficially or of record by such shareholder; (iii) a description of all
arrangements or understandings between such shareholder and each proposed
nominee and any other person (including his name and address) pursuant to which
the nomination(s) are to be made by such shareholder; (iv) a representation that
such shareholder intends to appear in person or by proxy at the meeting to
nominate the persons named in its notice; and (v) any other information relating
to such shareholder that would be required to be disclosed in a Proxy Filing.
Such notice must be accompanied by a written consent of each proposed nominee to
being named as a nominee and to serve as a director if elected. The chairman of
the meeting may refuse to acknowledge the nomination of any person not made in
compliance with the foregoing procedure.
The Nomination Proposal does not preclude shareholders from nominating
directors, but would afford the Board an enhanced opportunity to consider the
qualifications of any shareholder-proposed Board nominees and, to the extent the
Board deems necessary, the opportunity to inform shareholders sufficiently prior
to the meeting with respect to any such nominee, together with any
recommendation of the Board. This provision is designed to preclude a contest
for the election of directors if the proper procedures are not followed or
before shareholders have had an opportunity to consider such proposals, and to
discourage or deter a person or group seeking control of the Company from
attempting to conduct a last-minute solicitation where shareholders are forced
to vote prior to the time all relevant information can be fully disseminated.
Although the Nomination Proposal does not give the Board any power to
approve or disapprove of shareholder nominations for the election of directors,
the Nomination Proposal may have the effect of precluding a nomination for the
election of directors at a particular annual or special general meeting if the
proper procedures are not followed, and may discourage or deter a third party
from conducting a solicitation of proxies
to elect its own slate of directors or otherwise attempting to obtain control of
the Company, even if such attempt may be deemed by some shareholders to be
beneficial to the Company and its shareholders.
Approval of the Nomination Proposal requires the affirmative vote of a
majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present, in person
or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the Nomination
The Shareholder Notice Proposal provides that a resolution may be properly moved
by the shareholders at an annual general meeting where such resolution is not
brought by or at the direction of the Board, in addition to any other applicable
requirements, only if prior written notice thereof is given by such shareholders
to the Secretary of the Company setting forth, as to each matter such
shareholder proposes to bring before the annual general meeting: (i) a brief
description of the business desired to be brought before the annual general
meeting and the reasons for conducting such business at the annual general
meeting; (ii) the name and record address of such shareholder; (iii) the class
or series and number of shares of capital stock of the Company which are owned
beneficially or of record by such shareholder; (iv) a description of all
arrangements or understandings between such shareholder and any other person
(including his or her name and address) in connection with the proposal of such
business by such shareholder and any material interest of such shareholder in
such business; and (v) a representation that such shareholder intends to appear
in person or by proxy at the annual general meeting to bring such business
before the meeting. Sections 79 and 80 of the Companies Act provide that such a
shareholders resolution must be moved by shareholders representing at least
one-twentieth of the Company's total voting rights or by not less than 100
shareholders, and that such shareholders must deposit a signed copy of the
proposed requisition, together with a sum reasonably sufficient to meet the
Company's expenses to give effect to the requisition, at the registered office
of the Company not less than six weeks before the annual general meeting. Under
the Shareholder Notice Proposal, the chairman of an annual general meeting may,
if the facts warrant, determine and declare that any business was not properly
brought before such meeting and such business will not be transacted.
The Shareholder Notice Proposal does not preclude discussion by any
shareholder of any business properly brought before any annual general meeting
of shareholders, but would afford the Board an enhanced opportunity to consider
the qualifications of shareholder-proposed business proposals and, to the extent
the Board deems necessary, the opportunity to inform shareholders sufficiently
prior to the meeting with respect to any such business to be conducted at the
meeting, together with any recommendation of the Board. This provision is
designed in part to deter a contest for control effected through shareholder
proposals if the proper procedures are not followed, and to discourage or deter
a raider from attempting to conduct a last-minute solicitation where
shareholders are forced to vote prior to the time all relevant information can
be fully disseminated.
Although the Shareholder Notice Proposal does not give the Board or the
chairman of an annual general meeting any powers to approve or disapprove a
shareholder proposal, the Shareholder Notice Proposal may have the effect of
precluding the consideration of matters at a particular annual general meeting
if the proper procedures are not followed, even if approval of such matters may
be deemed by some or a majority of the shareholders to be beneficial to the
Company and its shareholders.
Approval of the Shareholder Notice Proposal requires the affirmative vote
of a majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present, in
person or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the
Shareholder Notice Proposal.
The Special Meeting Proposal provides that not less than 60 nor more than
90 days notice shall be given of a special general meeting properly
requisitioned by shareholders of record holding at least 10% of the Company's
outstanding paid up share capital.
The Bye-Laws presently provide that the President, any two directors or
any director and the Secretary of the Company may call a special general meeting
on not less than 5 days notice. The Companies Act provides that special general
meetings may be requisitioned by shareholders of record holding at least 10% of
a company's outstanding paid up share capital. The Special Meeting Proposal does
not preclude shareholders from requisitioning the Company to give notice of a
special general meeting of shareholders pursuant to the Companies Act, but, as
with the Shareholder Notice Proposal, would afford the Board an enhanced
opportunity to consider the qualifications of any shareholder-proposed Board
nominees or business proposals to be considered at such special general meetings
and, to the extent the Board deems necessary, the opportunity to inform
shareholders sufficiently prior to the meeting with respect to any such nominee
or business to be conducted at the meeting, together with any recommendation of
the Board. This provision is designed to preclude a contest for the election of
directors or consideration of shareholder proposals if the proper procedures are
not followed or before shareholders have had an opportunity to consider such
proposals, and to discourage or deter a person or group seeking control of the
Company from attempting to conduct a last-minute solicitation where shareholders
are forced to vote prior to the time all relevant information can be fully
Although the Special Meeting Proposal does not give the Board or the
chairman of a special general meeting any powers to prohibit the calling of a
special general meeting by shareholders holding at least 10% of the Company's
paid up share capital, the Special Meeting Proposal may have the effect of
deterring shareholders from calling a special general meeting if the proper
procedures are not followed, even if consideration of the matters proposed to be
considered at such proposed meeting may be deemed by some or a majority of the
shareholders to be beneficial to the Company and its shareholders.
Approval of the Special Meeting Proposal requires the affirmative vote of
a majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present, in person
or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the Special
Meeting Proposal.
Under the Excess Shares Proposal, holders of the Company's capital shares
would generally be restricted from obtaining or exercising more than 9.9% of the
voting rights attached to all of the issued and outstanding capital shares of
the Company. Although the primary purpose for this voting limit is to reduce the
likelihood that, in the future, the Company will continue to be deemed to be a
"controlled foreign corporation" within the meaning of the Code for U.S. Federal
tax purposes, the adoption of the Excess Shares Proposal may also have the
effect of deterring purchases of large blocks of Common Shares or proposals to
acquire the Company, which purchases or acquisition proposals some or a majority
of the shareholders might deem to be in their best interests.
If the Excess Share Proposal is approved by the shareholders, the Bye-Laws
will be amended to require the Company to decline to register a transfer of
shares if the Board has reason to believe that the result of such transfer would
be to increase the number of total Controlled Shares (as defined below) of any
person other than a Permitted Person (as defined below) such that the shares
owned or controlled by such person would represent 9.9% or more of the voting
rights attached to all of the issued and outstanding capital shares of the
Company. For purposes of the Excess Shares Proposal, a "Permitted Person" means
(i) Warburg, PT Investments, USF&G or any of their respective affiliates; (ii)
any person who directly or indirectly shall purchase and retain Controlled
Shares from a Permitted Person representing more than 5.0% of the voting rights
attached to all of the issued and outstanding capital shares of the Company;
(iii) any person who shall purchase and retain Controlled Shares in a single
transaction from any of Warburg, PT Investments, USF&G or any of their
respective affiliates (or from any combination of such persons) representing an
aggregate of more than 5.0% of the voting rights attached to all of the issued
and outstanding capital shares of the Company; and (iv) any person designated by
the Board in its discretion. For purposes of the Excess Shares Proposal,
"Controlled Shares" in reference to any person means: (i) all capital shares of
the Company that such person is deemed to own directly, indirectly or by
attribution (within the meaning of Section 958 of the Code) and (ii) all capital
shares of the Company directly, indirectly or beneficially owned by such person
within the meaning of Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act (including any shares
owned by a "group" of persons as so defined and including any capital shares of
the Company that would otherwise be excluded by Section 13(d) of the Exchange
The Excess Shares Proposal would empower the Board, in its absolute
discretion, to decline to register the transfer of any shares if the Board has
reason to believe that such transfer would violate the Bye-Laws, as amended by
the Excess Shares Proposal. Pursuant to the Excess Shares Proposal, the Board
will be empowered to require any shareholder or prospective shareholder to
provide information as to such person's beneficial share ownership, the names of
persons having beneficial ownership of the person's shares, relationships with
other members or any other facts the Board may deem relevant to a determination
of the number of Controlled Shares attributable to any person, and may decline
to register a purported transfer or otherwise effect any purported transaction
if complete and accurate information is not received as requested. The Board
shall be empowered to make any final determination with respect to the share
ownership of any person, or as otherwise required to enforce the Excess Shares
Proposal. Additionally, the Board would be authorized to disregard the votes
attached to shares of any holder failing to respond to such a request or
submitting incomplete or untrue information. Further, under the Excess Shares
Proposal the Board may designate the Company's Chief Executive Officer to
exercise its authority to decline to register transfers or to limit voting
rights as described herein, or to take any other action contemplated by the
Bye-Laws, as amended, for as long as such officer is also a member of the Board.
In addition to the transfer restrictions described above, if the Excess
Shares Proposal is approved by the Company's shareholders, the Company's
Bye-Laws will be amended to provide that notwithstanding the transfer
restrictions described above or any other provisions of the Company's Bye-laws,
if the votes conferred by the Controlled Shares of a person other than a
Permitted Person would represent an amount greater than 9.9%, the voting rights
conferred by the Controlled Shares of such person shall be reduced to 9.9%, and
the voting rights which would otherwise be accorded to such Controlled Shares
shall be reallocated to the other shareholders of the Company. If such
reallocation results in any other person (except for a Permitted Person) owning
Controlled Shares representing more than 9.9% of the voting rights attached to
all of the issued and outstanding capital shares of the Company, such process
shall be repeated until the voting rights conferred by the Controlled Shares of
each person is less than or equal to 9.9%.
Further, the Board would have the discretion to make such final
adjustments to the aggregate number of votes attaching to the Common Shares of
any shareholder that the Board considers fair and reasonable in all the
circumstances to ensure that no person other than a Permitted Person will own
Controlled Shares representing
more than 9.9% of the voting rights attached to all of the issued and
outstanding capital shares of the Company at any time. However, the amendment
contemplated by the Excess Shares Proposal would provide that the Board shall
not be liable to the shareholders for any determinations made by the Board in
connection with any of the foregoing.
If adopted, the Excess Shares Proposal would also provide that the
restrictions on transfer authorized by the Excess Shares Provision shall not be
imposed in any circumstances in a way that would interfere with the settlement
of trades or transactions in the Common Shares entered through the facilities of
the NYSE; provided, however, that the Company may decline to register transfers
in accordance with the Bye-laws or resolutions of the Board after a settlement
has taken place.
Under the Code, a foreign insurance company is classified as a controlled
foreign corporation if persons who are "US Shareholders" under the Code own more
than 25% of such company's total voting power or value. US Shareholders are US
persons that own directly, indirectly or by attribution (within the meaning of
Section 958 of the Code) 10% or more of such company's voting power. The Company
is presently classified as a controlled foreign corporation. That classification
may prevent the Company from being subject to US corporate level tax on its
foreign source investment income, in the event that it were considered to be
engaged in a US trade or business.
The restrictions on the voting rights of Controlled Shares may reduce the
likelihood that the Company will continue to be classified as a controlled
foreign corporation under the Code in the future. However, the Company believes
that it has operated and will operate in the future its business in a manner
that will not cause it to be treated as being engaged in a US trade or business
and that, therefore, the Company's failure to maintain its status as a
controlled foreign corporation should not result in the Company being subject to
corporate level tax on its foreign source investment income. The determination
of whether a foreign corporation is engaged in a US trade or business is
inherently factual and the Internal Revenue Service could challenge the
Company's position. There can be no assurance that such a challenge would not
Approval of the Excess Shares Proposal requires the affirmative vote of a
majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present, in person
or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the Excess
Shares Proposal.
Under the Super-Majority Amendment Proposal, the affirmative vote of at
least 66-2/3% of the voting rights attached to all of the issued and outstanding
capital shares of the Company entitled to vote thereon is required to amend,
repeal or adopt any provision inconsistent with, among other things, the Company
Classified Board Proposal, the Director Removal Proposal, the Company Board Size
Proposal, the Nomination Proposal, the Shareholder Notice Proposal, the Special
Meeting Proposal, the Excess Shares Proposal and the Super-Majority Amendment
The Companies Act provides that, unless otherwise provided in a company's
bye-laws, the approval of the holders of at least a majority of the votes cast
at a general meeting will be required to alter, amend, or repeal the provisions
of the company's bye-laws.
The Super-Majority Amendment Proposal will make it more difficult for
shareholders to amend the Company's Bye-Laws, including adopting changes
designed to facilitate the acquisition or exercise of control over the Company.
In addition, such requirements will enable the holders of a minority of the
Common Shares
to prevent the holders of a majority of the outstanding Common Shares from
amending certain provisions of the Bye-Laws. The requirement for such vote may
be difficult to obtain, since at least 66-2/3% of the voting rights attached to
all of the issued and outstanding capital shares of the Company must be present
or represented by proxy at any meeting at which any such amendment is proposed
and must vote in favor of such amendment. The Board believes that this provision
is appropriate in order to protect the provisions of the Bye-Laws as described
herein, and accordingly to protect the Company and its shareholders from
coercive takeover tactics.
Approval of the Super-Majority Amendment Proposal requires the affirmative
vote of a majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present,
in person or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the
Super-Majority Amendment Proposal.
Under the Company Capital Proposal, the authorized share capital of the
Company will be increased by 125,000,000 Common Shares, so that the authorized
share capital of the Company will consist of 225,000,000 Common Shares, of which
22,440,901 Common Shares will be outstanding, and 100,000,000 Preference Shares,
none of which shall be outstanding.
The Board has determined that the Company Capital Proposal is advantageous
to the Company because adoption of the Company Capital Proposal would facilitate
the adoption by the Board of a shareholders rights plan in the future. If the
Board adopts a shareholders rights plan in the future, a number of Common Shares
to be determined by the Board will be reserved for issuance under such plan.
Adoption of a shareholders rights plan by the Board will not require shareholder
In general, a rights plan would contain provisions to safeguard
shareholders in the event of an unsolicited offer to acquire the Company,
whether through a gradual accumulation of shares in the open market, the
acquisition in the open market or otherwise of shares constituting control
without offering fair value to all shareholders, a partial or two-tiered tender
offer that does not treat all shareholders equally, or other coercive or unfair
takeover tactics which the Board believes are not in the best interests of the
Company or the shareholders.
Although the Board has not determined to adopt a shareholders rights plan
at the present time, and there can be no assurance that the Board will do so in
the future, adoption of a shareholders rights plan may be a desirable measure to
protect the Company and its shareholders from certain non-negotiated takeover
attempts which present the risk of a change of control of the Company on terms
which may be less favorable to the Company's shareholders than would be
available in a transaction negotiated with and approved by the Board. Although
there can be no certainty as to the results of any particular negotiation, the
interests of the Company and the shareholders may be best served if any
acquisition of the Company or a substantial percentage of the outstanding Common
Shares results from arm's-length negotiations and reflects the Board's or the
Company's shareholders' careful consideration of the proposed terms of a
transaction. In particular, a shareholders rights plan, if adopted, might help
to: (i) reduce the risk of inadequate offers or of coercive two-tiered,
front-end loaded or partial offers which may not offer fair value to all
shareholders; (ii) mitigate against market accumulators who, through open market
or private purchases, may achieve a position of substantial influence or control
without paying to selling or remaining shareholders a fair control premium; and
(iii) deter market accumulators who may be simply interested in putting the
Company "in play." If a shareholders rights plan is adopted by the Board, such
plan might achieve these goals by confronting a potential acquiror of Common
Shares with the possibility that the Company's shareholders will be able to
dilute substantially the acquiror's equity interest by exercising rights to buy
additional Common Shares in the Company (or in certain cases, stock of the
acquiror) at
a substantial discount. The exercise of such rights would significantly increase
the Company's market capitalization, thereby making an acquisition of the
Company more expensive, diluting the Company's earnings and diluting the
percentage ownership of the Company of the acquiring person. One factor the
Board will take into account when deciding whether or not to adopt a
shareholders rights plan in the future is that a rights plan should not prevent
a proxy contest or a tender or exchange offer for all of the Common Shares at a
price which is considered by the Board to be fair and otherwise in the best
interests of shareholders. The Board believes that the Company Capital Proposal
is appropriate in order to facilitate the protection of the Company and its
shareholders from coercive takeover tactics by enhancing the flexibility of the
Company to adopt a shareholders rights plan.
However, certain shareholders of the Company may view an unsolicited
proposal for a takeover of the Company as being in their best interests and,
accordingly, to the extent the adoption of a shareholders rights plan might
deter unsolicited takeover proposals, such shareholders may not view adoption of
shareholders rights plan as being in their best interests. Adoption of a
shareholders rights plan by the Board could also discourage open market
purchases by a potential takeover bidder, which could temporarily increase the
market price of the Common Shares and thereby enable shareholders to sell their
shares at a price higher than that which would otherwise have prevailed. In
addition, although the Company does not expect this to be the case, adoption of
a shareholders rights plan by the Board could decrease the market price of the
Common Shares by making it less attractive to persons who invest in securities
in anticipation of an increase in price if a takeover attempt develops.
If the Company Capital Proposal is approved, the additional Common Shares so
authorized will be available for issuance by the Company for any means permitted
by applicable law and the Bye-laws. However, at present the Company has no plans
to issue any additional Common Shares.
Approval of the Company Capital Proposal requires the affirmative vote of
a majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present, in person
or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the Company
Capital Proposal.
The foregoing summaries of the Charter Amendments related to the Company,
and the related summaries of the Reinsurance Classified Board Proposal and the
Reinsurance Board Size Proposal below, are only summaries of the provisions of
the respective Charter Amendments and are qualified in their entirely by
reference to the complete text of each of the Charter Amendments, which are
attached to this Proxy Statement as Appendix A.
The following factors, and the potential for each to discourage
transactions which may involve an actual or threatened charge of control of the
Company, should be reviewed in evaluating the Charter Amendment Proposals.
Preference Shares. The Company has authorized the issuance of up to
100,000,000 Preference Shares, and has empowered the Board to issue Preference
Shares in one or more series and to fix the rights, preferences, privileges and
restrictions thereof, without any further shareholder vote or action. This
ability to issue Preference Shares without any further shareholder vote or
action adds desirable flexibility to the Company's capital structure by allowing
the Company to issue Preference Shares for such purposes as the public or
private sale of Preference Shares as a means of obtaining additional capital for
use in the Company's business and operations, or the issuance of Preference
Shares as part or all of the consideration required to be paid by the
Company for acquisitions of other businesses or properties. The Board believes
that this flexibility is important to the Company's long-term business prospects
and shareholder value. The Company does not currently have any agreements,
understandings or arrangements which would result in the issuance of any
Preference Shares.
Although the Board has no present intention of doing so, it could issue
Preference Shares (within the limits imposed by applicable laws) that could,
depending on the terms of such series, make more difficult or discourage an
attempt to obtain control of the Company by means of a merger, tender offer,
proxy contest or other means, and thus make more difficult the removal of
management, even if it may be beneficial to the interests of the shareholders.
For example, when in the judgment of the Board such action would be in the best
interests of the shareholders and the Company, the Board could issue Preference
Shares to purchasers favorable to the Board to create voting or other
impediments to discourage persons seeking to gain control of the Company. In
addition, the Board could authorize holders of a series of Preference Shares to
vote either separately as a class or with the holders of Common Shares, on any
merger, sale or exchange of assets by the Company or any other extraordinary
corporate transaction. The existence of additional authorized Preference Shares
could have the effect of discouraging unsolicited takeover attempts.
Change in Control Arrangements. As described more fully above, the Company
is a party to employment agreements with all of its executive officers. Each
such agreement contains a provision which states that, in the event an officer
is terminated during the two-year period following a Change in Control of the
Company (as defined in such agreements), the employee would be entitled to a
severance payment equal to 12 months compensation, and any unvested restricted
stock will fully vest. The purposes of such provisions are to (i) provide an
incentive of stable employment to the executive officers; (ii) encourage the
executive officers to focus on the business of the Company in the event of a
Change in Control; and (iii) provide an incentive to the executive officers to
be objective in evaluating a proposed Change in Control. Additionally, under the
Incentive Plan and the Directors Plan, in the event of a Change of Control (as
defined in such Plans), all outstanding options and restricted stock granted
under the Incentive Plan and Directors Plan will vest and become fully
exercisable, subject to certain exceptions. See "Executive Officer and Director
No Shareholder Action Without Unanimous Written Consent. The Companies Act
and the Company's Bye-laws provide that shareholder action may be taken only at
an annual or special general meeting and not by written consent unless such
consent is unanimous.
State Insurance Regulations. The Company indirectly owns 80% of DeSoto
Insurance Company, a Florida insurance company ("DeSoto"). Additionally, the
Company has agreed to purchase Nobel Insurance Company, a Texas insurance
company ("Nobel Insurance"), from Nobel Insurance Limited, a Bermuda company, in
a transaction which is currently expected to close in the second quarter of
1998. The Company's ownership of DeSoto and prospective ownership of Nobel
Insurance can, under applicable state insurance company laws and regulations,
delay or impede a change of control of the Company. Generally, each of the
Florida and Texas Insurance Codes provides that a domestic insurer may merge or
consolidate with or acquire control of another insurer, or a person may acquire
control of a domestic insurance company, only if the plan of merger or
consolidation or acquisition of control is submitted to and receives the prior
approval of the respective state's superintendent of insurance. Accordingly,
under applicable Florida regulations, and after the contemplated purchase by the
Company of Nobel Insurance, under applicable Texas regulations, any change of
control of the Company (which will include a purchase of 10% or more of the
Company's voting securities under the applicable legislation) will require the
prior notification to and approval of the Florida and Texas insurance regulatory
authorities. The Company may, consistent with its strategic plans,
opportunistically expand into additional catastrophe-exposed insurance markets
or otherwise and accordingly may become subject to additional regulatory
Subject to the requisite affirmative shareholder vote at the Annual
Meeting, the Board has adopted an amendment to the Directors Plan which would
increase the number of authorized Full Voting Common Shares available for
issuance thereunder by 100,000 shares.
The purpose of the Directors Plan is to enhance the ability of the Company
to attract and retain highly qualified individuals to serve on the Company's
Board and to further align the interests of the members of the Board with those
of the Company's shareholders. The following summary of the Directors Plan is
qualified in its entirety to the text of the Directors Plan, which is attached
to this Proxy Statement as Appendix B.
At present, the Company has issued Options for 24,000 Full Voting Common
Shares, out of the 100,000 Full Voting Common Shares available. As the number of
members of the Board who are not employees of the Company or the Investors
increases over time, the number of Options to be issued under the Directors Plan
is likely to increase. Subject to the requisite affirmative vote of the
Directors Plan Proposal at the Annual Meeting, the total number of Full Voting
Common Shares which may be issued under such Plan will be increased from 100,000
to 200,000. In addition, the Plan would be amended to provide that the number of
shares available for issuance will be increased by the number of shares tendered
to or withheld by the Company in connection with Option exercises and tax
withholding. As of March 19, 1998, the per share market value of the Full Voting
Common Shares was $46-5/8.
The Directors Plan provides for (i) annual grants of Full Voting Common
Shares with an aggregate fair market value of $15,000; (ii) grants of options to
purchase 6,000 Full Voting Common Shares upon appointment to the Board (or such
later date as the Board may establish) and options to purchase 2,000 Full Voting
Common Shares upon each re-election to the Board, in each case at an exercise
price equal to the fair market value of the Full Voting Common Shares on the
date of grant or as otherwise determined by the Board; (iii) grants of Full
Voting Common Shares from time to time in such number as the Board may
determine; and (iv) grants of options to purchase Full Voting Common Shares from
time to time, at such price and in such number as the Board may determine.
Non-Employee Directors also receive an annual retainer of $10,000 under such
The Directors Plan is presently administered by the Compensation
Committee, which has the power to construe, interpret and implement the Plan,
prescribe, amend and rescind rules and regulations relating to the Plan, make
all determinations necessary in administering the Plan, and correct any defect,
supply any omission or reconcile any inconsistency in the Plan. Participation in
the Directors Plan is limited to members of the Board who are not employees of
the Company or the Investors, or their respective affiliates; at present, three
persons are eligible to participate.
The Board may at any time amend or terminate the Directors Plan in any
respect, except that the Board may not cancel or adversely affect outstanding
awards without the express written consent of the affected participant. Also,
the Board may not increase the maximum number of shares issuable under the
Directors Plan without shareholder approval.
Federal Income Tax Consequences
The following is a brief discussion of the Federal income tax consequences
of options granted under the Directors Plan based on the Code. The Directors
Plan is not qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code. This discussion is not
intended to be exhaustive and does not describe state or local taxes
Options. With respect to options granted under the Director Plan: (i) no
income is realized by the participant at the time the option is granted; (ii)
generally, at exercise, ordinary income is realized by the participant in an
amount equal to the difference between the fair market value of the Full Voting
Common Shares, if unrestricted, on the date of exercise and the price paid for
the shares, and the Company is generally entitled to a tax deduction in the same
amount; and (iii) at sale, appreciation (or depreciation) after the date of
exercise is treated as either short-term or long-term capital gain (or loss)
depending on how long the shares have been held.
Recommendation and Vote
Approval of the Directors Plan Proposal requires the affirmative vote of a
majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present, in person
or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the Directors
Plan Proposal.
Upon recommendation of the Audit Committee, the Board proposes that the
shareholders appoint the firm of Ernst & Young to serve as the independent
auditors of the Company for the 1998 fiscal year until the 1999 Annual Meeting.
Ernst & Young served as the Company's independent auditors for the 1997 fiscal
year. A representative of Ernst & Young will attend the Annual Meeting, and will
be available to respond to questions and may make a statement if he or she so
desires. Shareholders at the Annual Meeting will also be asked to vote to refer
the determination of the auditors' remuneration to the Board.
Recommendation and Vote
Approval of the Company Auditors Proposal requires the affirmative vote of
a majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present, in person
or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of
the Company Auditors Proposal.
In accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, shareholders of the Company are
entitled to vote on proposals to be considered by the Company, as the holder of
all outstanding capital shares of Reinsurance, at all general meetings of
shareholders of Reinsurance.
Unless otherwise specified, the accompanying form of proxy will be voted
for each of the Nominees named below as a director of Reinsurance. In addition,
if the Reinsurance Classified Board Proposal (discussed below) is adopted at the
Annual Meeting, the Reinsurance Bye-Laws will be amended to provide that the
Reinsurance Board will be divided into three classes of directors who shall be
elected to serve as follows: (i) four of the eleven directors will be Class I
Directors who shall serve until the Reinsurance 1999 annual general meeting of
shareholders; (ii) three of the eleven directors will be Class II Directors who
shall serve until the Reinsurance 2000 annual general meeting of shareholders;
and (iii) four of the eleven directors will be Class III Directors who shall
serve until the Reinsurance 2001 annual general meeting of shareholders. Each
Nominee has been nominated to serve on the same Class of the Reinsurance Board
as on the Company Board. If the Reinsurance Classified Board Proposal is not
adopted at the Annual Meeting, all Nominees set forth below will stand for
election for the period from the Annual Meeting until the Reinsurance 1999
annual general meeting of shareholders or until their successors are duly
elected and qualified. If any nominee listed below shall, prior to
the Annual Meeting, become unavailable for election as a director, the persons
named in the accompanying form of proxy will vote for such other nominee, if
any, in their discretion as may be recommended by the Board.
Class I Directors:
- ------------------
Name Age Position
- ---- --- --------
Edmund B. Greene 59 Director
Scott E. Pardee 61 Director
John C. Sweeney 53 Director
David A. Tanner 39 Director
Class II Directors:
- -------------------
Name Age Position
- ---- --- --------
Thomas A. Cooper 61 Director
Kewsong Lee 32 Director
James N. Stanard 49 President and Chief Executive
Officer, Chairman of the Board
Class III Directors:
- --------------------
Name Age Position
- ---- --- --------
Arthur S. Bahr 66 Director
Dan L. Hale 53 Director
Gerald L. Igou 63 Director
Howard H. Newman 50 Director
Recommendation and Vote
Approval of the election of the Nominees set forth above to the
Reinsurance Board requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the voting
rights attached to the Common Shares present, in person or by proxy, at the
Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the election of the Nominees to the
Reinsurance Board.
Under the Reinsurance Classified Board Proposal, approximately one-third
of the Reinsurance Board would be elected each year at the annual general
meeting of shareholders. The Reinsurance directors shall be divided into three
classes, designated Class I, Class I and Class III. Each class shall consist, as
nearly as may be possible, of one-third of the total number of directors
constituting the entire Reinsurance Board. The term of the initial Class I
directors shall terminate on the date of the Reinsurance 1999 annual general
meeting of shareholders; the term of the initial Class II directors shall
terminate on the date of the Reinsurance 2000 annual general meeting of
shareholders; and the term of the initial Class III directors shall terminate on
the date of the Reinsurance 2001 annual general meeting of shareholders. At each
annual general meeting of shareholders beginning in 1999, successors to the
class of directors whose term expires at each such annual general meeting
shall be elected for three-year terms. The Board has determined that adoption of
the Reinsurance Classified Board Proposal is advisable and in the best interests
of the Company because of the administrative convenience the Reinsurance
Classified Board Proposal would offer if the Company Classified Board Proposal
is also adopted. Additionally, the Reinsurance Classified Board Proposal is
advantageous to the Company and its shareholders for the same reasons as the
Company Classified Board Proposal.
Approval of the Reinsurance Classified Board Proposal requires the
affirmative vote of a majority of the voting rights attached to the Common
Shares present, in person or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the
Reinsurance Classified Board Proposal.
Under the Reinsurance Board Size Proposal, the size of the Reinsurance
Board will be fixed at eleven directors. The proposal also includes a provision
authorizing the Reinsurance Board, in its discretion, to increase the size of
the Reinsurance Board from 11 to 12 directors, and to give the Reinsurance Board
the authority to fill, in its discretion, any such additional position so
created. The Board has determined that adoption of the Reinsurance Board Size
Proposal is advisable and in the best interests of the Company because of the
administrative convenience the Reinsurance Board Size Proposal would offer if
the Company Board Size Proposal is also adopted. Additionally, the Reinsurance
Board Size Proposal is advantageous to the Company and its shareholders for the
same reasons as the Company Board Size Proposal.
Approval of the Reinsurance Board Size Proposal requires the affirmative
vote of a majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present,
in person or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the
Reinsurance Board Size Proposal.
Ernst & Young served as the independent auditors of Reinsurance for the
1997 fiscal year. Pursuant to the Reinsurance Auditors Proposal and in
accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, shareholders will vote to appoint Ernst
& Young as independent auditors of Reinsurance for the 1998 fiscal year to serve
until the 1999 annual general meeting of shareholders of Reinsurance and to
refer to the Reinsurance Board the determination of the auditors' remuneration.
Recommendation and Vote
Approval of the Reinsurance Auditors Proposal requires the affirmative
vote of a majority of the voting rights attached to the Common Shares present,
in person or by proxy, at the Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the election of the
Reinsurance Auditors Proposal.
Reinsurance is registered as a Class 4 insurer pursuant to the Insurance
Act of 1978. As such, Reinsurance is required to have minimum paid up share
capital of $1,000,000. Currently, the Memorandum of Association of Reinsurance
(the "Reinsurance Memorandum") provides for minimum paid up share capital of
$120,000. It is the policy of the Bermuda Registrar of Companies that the
Memorandum of Association of a Class 4 insurer should be consistent with the
requirements of the Insurance Act 1978, and the amendment, which the Company's
Board has determined to be advisable and in the best interests of the Company's
shareholders, is intended to comply with this policy. At present, the actual
paid up share capital of Reinsurance is $241,201,000, and therefore the
amendment will have no effect on the issued share capital of Reinsurance.
In accordance with the Company's Bye-laws, approval by the Company's
shareholders is required to amend the Reinsurance Memorandum. Accordingly, if
the Reinsurance Share Capital Proposal is adopted, the Company, as the sole
shareholder of Reinsurance, would adopt an amendment to the Reinsurance
Memorandum deleting the word "US$120,000" where it appears in paragraph 5 of the
Reinsurance Memorandum and substituting therefor the word "US$1,000,000."
The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the
Reinsurance Share Capital Proposal.
Other Action at the Annual Meeting
A copy of the Company's Annual Report to Shareholders for the year ended
December 31, 1997, including financial statements for the year ended December
31, 1997 and the auditors' report thereon, has been sent to all shareholders.
The financial statements and auditor's report will be formally laid before the
Annual Meeting, but no shareholder action is required thereon.
As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the Company has no knowledge of
any business, other than that described herein, which will be presented for
consideration at the Annual Meeting. In the event any other business is properly
presented at the Annual Meeting, it is intended that the persons named in the
accompanying proxy will have authority to vote such proxy in accordance with
their judgment on such business.
Shareholder Proposals for 1999 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Shareholders may submit proposals on matters appropriate for shareholder
action at the Company's annual general meetings consistent with regulations
adopted by the Commission and the Bye-Laws. Proposals intended for inclusion in
the proxy statement for the 1999 annual general meeting of shareholders must be
received by the Company not later than November 23, 1998. Proposals should be
directed to the attention of the Secretary, RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd., P.O.
Box HM 2527, Hamilton HM GX Bermuda.
In accordance with the Company's Bye-Laws, shareholders of the Company are
entitled to vote on proposals to be considered by the Company, as the holder of
all outstanding capital shares of Reinsurance, at all general meetings of
shareholders of Reinsurance.
I. The Company
Bye-law 12; Proposals 2, 4 and 5
- --------------------------------
If each of Proposal 2, 4 and 5 is adopted by the Company's shareholders,
Bye-law 12 will be amended by deleting the existing Bye-law 12 and substituting
the following therefor:
"(a) The business of the Company shall be managed and conducted by a
Board of Directors consisting of eleven Directors who shall be
elected or appointed at the annual general meetings of the Company;
provided, however, that a majority of the Board may determine, in
its discretion, to expand the size of the Board to twelve directors.
At the annual general meeting when this Bye-law becomes effective,
the persons nominated to be elected or appointed as Directors shall
be divided into three classes of approximately equal size,
designated Class I, Class II and Class III, each consisting
initially of such Directors as the Board shall determine; the term
of office of those Directors in Class I to expire at the annual
general meeting next following such meeting, the term of office of
those Directors in Class II to expire at the second annual general
meeting following such meeting, and the term of office of those
Directors in Class III to expire at the third annual general meeting
following such meeting. At each annual general meeting held after
such classification and election, Directors shall be elected or
appointed for a full three-year term, as the case may be, to succeed
those whose terms expire at such meeting. Each Director shall hold
office for the term for which he is elected and until his successor
is appointed. The shareholders may, at any general meeting,
authorize the Board to fill any vacancy on the Board unfilled at a
general meeting.
(b) The only persons who shall be eligible for appointment or
election as a Director in accordance with Bye-law 12(a) at any
general meeting of the Company shall be persons either (i) for whom
a written notice of nomination signed by not less than twenty
Members holding in the aggregate not less than 10% of the
outstanding paid up share capital of the Company at that time has
been delivered to the registered office of the Company for the
attention of the Secretary not less than sixty days prior to the
scheduled date of such general meeting or any adjournment thereof,
or (ii) who have been approved for such purpose by the Board and
identified in the Notice of such general meeting or by way of note
or other document sent to the Members not less than five days prior
to the scheduled date of such general meeting. A shareholder's
notice pursuant to (i) above shall set forth (x) as to each person
whom the shareholder proposes to nominate for election as a
director: (i) the name, age, business address and residence address
of the person; (ii) the principal occupation or employment of the
person; (iii) the class or series and number of shares of capital
stock of the Company which are owned beneficially or of record by
the person; and (iv) any other information relating to the person
that would be required to be disclosed in a proxy statement or other
filings required to be made in connection with solicitations of
proxies for election of directors pursuant to Section 14 of the
Exchange Act and the
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder (the "Proxy Filings");
and (y) as to the shareholder giving the notice: (i) the name and
record address of such shareholder; (ii) the class or series and
number of shares of capital stock of the Company which are owned
beneficially or of record by such shareholder; (iii) a description
of all arrangements or understandings between such shareholder and
each proposed nominee and any other person (including his name and
address) pursuant to which the nomination(s) are to be made by such
shareholder; (iv) a representation that such shareholder intends to
appear in person or by proxy at the meeting to nominate the persons
named in its notice; and (v) any other information relating to such
shareholder that would be required to be disclosed in a Proxy
Filing. Such notice must be accompanied by a written consent of each
proposed nominee to being named as a nominee and to serve as a
director if elected. The chairman of the meeting may refuse to
acknowledge the nomination of any person not made in compliance with
the foregoing procedure."
If Proposal 5 is not adopted by the Company's shareholders, subparagraph (b)
above shall not be added to Bye-law 12.
If Proposal 2 is adopted by the Company's shareholders but Proposal 4 is not
adopted, the first sentence of subparagraph (a) of Bye-law 12 above shall read:
"The Board shall consist of not less than two Directors or such
number in excess thereof as the Members may from time to time
determine at the annual general meeting or at any special general
meeting called for the purpose and who shall hold office until their
successors are elected or appointed."
If Proposal 4 is adopted by the Company's shareholders but Proposal 2 is not
adopted, the text of subparagraph (a) of Bye-law 12 above shall be as follows:
"(a) The business of the Company shall be managed and conducted by a
Board of Directors consisting of eleven Directors who shall be
elected or appointed at the annual general meetings of the Company;
provided, however, that a majority of the Board may determine, in
its discretion, to expand the size of the Board to twelve. The
Directors shall be elected at each annual general meeting or at any
special general meeting called for the purpose and shall hold office
until the next annual general meeting or until their successors are
elected or appointed."
Bye-law 15; Proposal 3
- ----------------------
If Proposal 3 is adopted by the Company's shareholders, Bye-law 15 will be
amended by deleting the entirety of the existing Bye-law 15 and substituting the
following therefor:
"(a) The Members shall not be entitled to remove a Director other
than for cause.
(b) Subject to subparagraph (a) of this Bye-law, the Members may, at
any special general meeting convened and held in accordance with
these Bye-laws, upon the
affirmative vote of the holders of not less than 66-2/3% of the
voting rights attached to all issued and outstanding capital shares
of the Company, remove a Director for cause provided that the notice
of any such meeting convened for the purpose of removing a Director
shall contain a statement of the intention so to do and be served on
such Director not less than 60 days before the meeting and at such
meeting such Director shall be entitled to be heard on the motion
for such Director's removal.
(c) A vacancy on the Board created by the removal of a Director
under the provisions of subparagraph (b) of this Bye-law may be
filled by the Members at the meeting at which such Director is
removed. A Director so appointed shall hold office until the
expiration of the term of the Director so removed or until such new
Director's successor is elected or appointed or such new Director's
office is otherwise vacated and, in the absence of such election or
appointment, the Members may authorize the Board to fill any
Bye-law 16; Proposals 2 and 3
- -----------------------------
If Proposal 2 is adopted by the Company's shareholders, Bye-law 16 shall be
amended by adding the following sentence to subparagraph (a) thereof:
"A Director so appointed shall hold office until the annual general
meeting at which such Director's predecessor's term would have
expired or until such Director's successor is elected or appointed
or such Director's office is otherwise vacated."
If Proposal 3 is adopted, Bye-law 16 shall be further amended by deleting from
where they presently appear in subparagraph (c)(i) of Bye-law 16 the words "is
removed from office pursuant to these Bye-laws or".
Bye-law 32; Proposal 6
- ----------------------
If Proposal 6 is adopted by the Company's shareholders, Bye-law 32 shall be
amended by adding the following sentence:
"Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Bye-laws, in addition
to any other applicable requirements, in order for a resolution to
be properly moved by shareholders in accordance with the Act and
these Bye-laws at an annual general meeting of shareholders where
such business is not brought by or at the direction of the Board,
such resolution may be introduced by such shareholders at such
meeting only if prior written notice thereof is given by such
shareholders to the Secretary of the Company at the Company's
registered office setting forth as to each matter such shareholders
propose to bring before the annual meeting: (i) a brief description
of the business desired to be brought before the annual meeting and
the reasons for conducting such business at the annual meeting; (ii)
the name and record address of such shareholder; (iii) the class or
series and number of shares of capital stock of the Company which
are owned beneficially or of record by such shareholder; (iv) a
description of all arrangements or
understandings between such shareholder and any other person
(including his or her name and address) in connection with the
proposal of such business by such shareholder and any material
interest of such shareholder in such business; and (v) a
representation that such shareholder intends to appear in person or
by proxy at the annual meeting to bring such business before the
meeting. The Chairman of an annual general meeting may, if the facts
warrant, determine and declare that any business was not properly
brought before the meeting and such business will not be
Bye-law 35; Proposal 7
- ----------------------
If Proposal 7 is adopted by the Company's shareholders, Bye-law 35 shall be
amended by adding the following sentence:
"Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Bye-laws, not less
than 60 nor more than 90 days notice shall be given of any special
general meeting properly requisitioned by shareholders in accordance
with the Act and these Bye-laws holding at least 10% of the
outstanding paid up share capital of the Company."
Bye-law 43; Proposals 3 and 9
- -----------------------------
If Proposals 3 and 9 are adopted by the Company's shareholders, Bye-law 43 shall
be amended by renumbering subparagraph (b)(3) as (b)(4) and inserting a new
subparagraph (b)(3) as follows:
"(3) Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Bye-laws to the
contrary, a Director may only be removed for cause, and Bye-laws 12,
15, 32, 35, 43(b)(3) and 46A may, in each case, only be amended or
repealed in a general meeting upon the affirmative vote of 66-2/3%
of the voting rights attached to all of the issued and outstanding
capital shares of the Company."
If Proposal 9 is adopted by the Company's shareholders but Proposal 3 is not
adopted, Bye-law 43 shall be amended by renumbering subparagraph (b)(3) as
(b)(4) and inserting a new subparagraph (b)(3) as follows:
"(3) Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Bye-laws to the
contrary, Bye-laws 12, 15, 32, 35, 43(b)(3) and 46A may, in each
case, only be amended or repealed in a general meeting upon the
affirmative vote of 66-2/3% of the voting rights attached to all of
the issued and outstanding capital shares of the Company."
If Proposal 3 is adopted by the Company's shareholders but Proposal 9 is not
adopted, Bye-law 43 shall be amended by renumbering subparagraph (b)(3) as
(b)(4) and inserting a new subparagraph (b)(3) as follows:
"(3) Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Bye-laws to the
contrary, a Director may only be removed for cause in a general
meeting upon the affirmative vote of 66-2/3% of the voting rights
attached to all of the issued and outstanding capital shares of the
Bye-law 46A; Proposal 8
- -----------------------
If Proposal 8 is adopted by the shareholders, the Bye-laws will be amended by
adding as new Bye-law 46A the following:
"Notwithstanding anything else in these Bye-laws to the contrary:
(a) Other than as provided herein, no Person other than a Permitted
Person shall be permitted to own or control shares in the Company
(including as a result of the repurchase of shares by the Company)
to the extent that such holder or any other Person will be
considered to own or control Controlled Shares (as defined below),
as the Board may determine in its sole discretion, which represent
in excess of 9.9% of the voting rights attached to all of the issued
and outstanding capital shares of the Company, nor shall any Person
be permitted to own or control Controlled Shares if the result
thereof would be to render such Person or any other Person other
than a Permitted Person a Ten Percent Shareholder. In accordance
with the foregoing, the Company may decline to recognize any
transfer of its capital shares (including its public shares) if such
transfer, in the discretion of the Board, would cause the transferee
or any other Person (other than a Permitted Person) to own or
control Controlled Shares representing more than 9.9% of the voting
rights attached to all of the issued and outstanding capital shares
of the Company.
(b) To the extent that, for any reason whatsoever and by any means
howsoever, a Person other than a Permitted Person, whether or not an
existing Member of the Company, shall be deemed by the Board in its
sole discretion to own or control Controlled Shares which represent
in excess of 9.9% of the voting rights attached to all of the issued
and outstanding capital shares of the Company, then all shares which
such person may Own or Control which carry in excess of 9.9% of all
of the issued and outstanding capital shares of the Company shall
carry no voting rights whatsoever, and shall be discounted in
respect of such Member for the purpose of the calculation of any
vote which may or which is required to be taken at any general
meeting of the Company for any purpose. The Controlled Shares of
such Member which represent in excess of 9.9% of the voting rights
attached to all of the issued and outstanding capital shares of the
Company shall be allocated for voting purposes to all the other
Members of the Company pro rata to the common shareholdings of such
other Members; provided, however, that no other Member other than a
Permitted Person shall be allocated voting rights pursuant to this
sentence if to do so would render such other Member a Ten Percent
Shareholder. In the event that a reallocation of voting rights
pursuant to this Bye-law would result in the creation of additional
Ten Percent Shareholders, the reallocation to be made shall only be
made to such Members (other
than Permitted Persons) who, after the re-allocation, would not be
Ten Percent Shareholders. Notwithstanding the foregoing, after
having applied the provisions hereof as best as it considers
reasonably practicable, the Board may make such adjustments to the
voting rights conferred by the Controlled Shares of any Person
(other than a Permitted Person) that the Board shall consider fair
and reasonable under all the applicable facts and circumstances to
ensure that such Controlled Shares represent no more than 9.9% of
the aggregate voting rights of all of the outstanding capital shares
of the Company at any time.
(c) With respect to Bye-Law 46A(a) and (b), such provisions shall
not operate unless there are at least eleven (11) Members of the
(d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Bye-law 46A,
the Board may waive the restrictions set forth in this Bye-law 46A,
on a case by case basis, in its sole and absolute discretion.
Further, the Board may designate the Company's Chief Executive
Officer to exercise its authority to decline to register transfers
or to limit voting rights as described above, or to take any other
action, for as long as such officer is also a director.
(e) The Board may, by notice in writing, require any Member or
prospective acquiror of capital shares of the Company (including its
publicly held capital shares) to provide, within not less than ten
(10) business days, complete and accurate information to the
Company's registered office or such other place as the Board may
reasonably designate, information including: (i) the number of
capital shares of the Company in which such Person is legally or
beneficially interested; (ii) the Persons who are beneficially
interested in capital shares of the Company in respect of which such
Person is the registered holder; (iii) the relationship, association
or affiliation of such Person with any other Member or Person
whether by means of common control or ownership or otherwise; or
(iv) any other facts or matters which the Board may consider
relevant to the determination of the number of Controlled Shares
attributable to any Person. If any Member or prospective acquiror of
capital shares of the Company does not respond to any notice given
pursuant to this Bye-law within the time specified in such notice,
or the Board shall have reason to believe that any information
provided in relation thereto is incomplete or inaccurate, the Board
may determine in its sole and absolute discretion that the votes
attaching to any capital shares of the Company registered in the
name of such Member or prospective acquiror shall be disregarded for
all purposes until such time as a response (or additional response)
to such notice reasonably satisfactory to the Board has been
received as specified therein.
(f) One of the purposes of the 9.9% limitation set forth in this
Bye-law is to seek to lessen the likelihood the Company will be
characterized as
a foreign personal holding company or as a controlled foreign
corporation within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
of the United States, as amended. Nevertheless, the Board will not
be liable to the Company, its shareholders or any other person
whatsoever for any errors in judgment made by it in interpreting or
enforcing this Bye-law or in granting any waiver or waivers to the
foregoing restrictions in any case so long as the Board shall have
acted in good faith.
(g) The restrictions on transfer authorized by this Bye-law 46A
shall not be imposed in any circumstances in a way that would
interfere with the settlement of trades or transactions in the
Common Shares entered into through the facilities of the New York
Stock Exchange, Inc.; provided, however, that the Company may
decline to register transfers in accordance with these Bye-laws or
resolutions of the Board after a settlement has taken place.
(h) For purposes of this Bye-law 46A, the following terms shall have
the following respective meanings:
"Controlled Shares" in reference to any Person means: (i) all
capital shares of the Company that such Person is deemed to own
directly, indirectly or by attribution (within the meaning of
Section 958 of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended) and (ii) all capital shares of the Company directly,
indirectly or beneficially owned by such person within the meaning
of section 13(d) of the United States Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") (including any shares owned by
a "group" of persons as so defined and including any shares that
would otherwise be excluded by section 13(d) of the Exchange Act).
"Permitted Person" means any of (i) Warburg, Pincus Investors, L.P.,
PT Investments, Inc. or United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company,
or any of their respective affiliates; (ii) any person who directly
or indirectly shall purchase and retain Controlled Shares from a
Permitted Person representing more than 5.0% of the voting rights
attached to all of the issued and outstanding capital shares of the
Company; (iii) any person who shall purchase and retain Controlled
Shares in a single transaction from any of Warburg, Pincus
Investors, L.P., PT Investments, Inc., or United States Fidelity and
Guaranty Company, or any of their respective affiliates (or from any
combination of such Persons) representing in the aggregate more than
5.0% of the voting rights of all of the issued and outstanding
capital shares of the Company; or (iv) any such other Person as the
Board may designate, in its discretion, from time to time.
"Person" means an individual, a partnership, a joint-stock company,
a corporation, a trust or unincorporated organization, a limited
company or a government or an agency or political subdivision
"Ten Percent Shareholder" means a person who the Board determines,
in its sole and absolute discretion, owns or controls Controlled
Shares representing more than 9.9% of the total voting rights of all
of the issued and outstanding capital shares of the Company."
Bye-law 50; Proposal 10
- -----------------------
If Proposal 10 is adopted by the Company's shareholders, Bye-law 50 will be
amended by deleting from where they presently appear in subparagraph (a) of
Bye-law 50 the words "100 million common shares" and replacing them with the
words "225 million common shares".
II. Reinsurance.
Reinsurance Bye-law 12; Proposals 14 and 15
- -------------------------------------------
If each of Proposal 14 and 15 are adopted by the Company's shareholders, Bye-law
12 of the Reinsurance Bye-laws will be amended by deleting the existing Bye-law
12 and substituting the following therefor:
"The business of the Company shall be managed and conducted by a
Board of Directors consisting of eleven Directors who shall be
elected or appointed at the annual general meetings of the Company;
provided, however, that a majority of the Board may determine, in
its discretion, to expand the size of the Board to twelve. At the
annual general meeting when this Bye-law becomes effective, the
persons nominated to be elected or appointed as Directors shall be
divided into three classes of approximately equal size, designated
Class I, Class II and Class III, each consisting initially of such
Directors as the Board shall determine; the term of office of those
Directors in Class I to expire at the annual general meeting next
following such meeting, the term of office of those Directors in
Class II to expire at the second annual general meeting following
such meeting, and the term of office of those Directors in Class III
to expire at the third annual general meeting following such
meeting. At each annual general meeting held after such
classification and election, Directors shall be elected or appointed
for a full three year term, as the case may be, to succeed those
whose terms expire. Each Director shall hold office for the term for
which he is elected and until his successor is appointed. The
shareholders may, at any general meeting, authorize the Board to
fill any vacancy on the Board unfilled at a general meeting."
If Proposal 15 is adopted by the Company's shareholders but Proposal 14 is not
adopted, the first sentence of Bye-law 12 of the Reinsurance Bye-laws shall
"The Board shall consist of not less than two Directors or such
number in excess thereof as the Members may from time to time
determine at the annual general meeting or at any special general
meeting called for the purpose and who shall hold office until their
successors are elected or appointed."
If Proposal 14 is adopted by the Company's shareholders but Proposal 15 is not
adopted, the text of Bye-law 12 of the Reinsurance Bye-laws shall be as follows:
"(a) The business of the Company shall be managed and conducted by a
Board of Directors consisting of eleven Directors who shall be
elected or appointed at the annual general meetings of the Company;
provided, however, that a majority of the Board may determine, in
its discretion, to expand the size of the Board to twelve. The
Directors shall be elected at each annual general meeting or at any
special general meeting called for the purpose and shall hold office
until the next annual general meeting or until their successors are
elected or appointed."
Form of Proxy Card
RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.
This Proxy is solicited on behalf of ReniassianceRe
Holdings Ltd. in connection with its Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders to be held on May 5, 1998.
The undersigned shareholder of ReniassanceRe Holdings Ltd. (the "Company")
hereby appoints John M. Lummis and John D. Nichols, Jr., and each of them, as
proxies, each with the power to appoint his substitute, and authorizes them to
represent and vote as designated in this Proxy, all of the common shares,
diluted voting class I common shares and diluted voting class II common shares,
$1.00 par value each per share (collectively, the "Common Shares"), of the
Company held of record by the undersigned shareholder on February 20, 1998 at
the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to be held on May 5,
1998, and at any adjournment or postponement thereof, with all powers which the
undersigned would possess if personally present, with respect to the matters
listed on this Proxy. In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote
such Common Shares upon such other business as may properly come before the
Annual General Meeting.
- ------
For With-hold For All
1. To elect the 11 nominees (the [ ] [ ] [ ]
"Nominees") listed below to the
Board of Directors of the Company
(the "Board") to serve: (i) if
Proposal 2 below is adopted at the
Annual Meeting, for the terms
indicated and until their
successors are duly elected and
qualified, as follows: (x) four of
the eleven directors to serve until
the Company's 1999 annual general
meeting of shareholders; (y) three
of the eleven directors to serve
until the Company's 2000 annual
general meeting of shareholders;
and (z) four of the eleven
directors to serve until the
Company's 2001 annual general
meeting of shareholders; or (ii) if
Proposal 2 below is not adopted,
until the Company's 1999 annual
general meeting of shareholders or
until their successors shall be
elected and qualified.
If you do not wish your shares voted "FOR" a particular Nominee, mark the "For
All Except" box and strike a line through the Nominee(s) name. Your shares will
be voted for the remaining Nominee(s).
Class I Directors: Class II Directors: Class III Directors:
------------------ ------------------- --------------------
Edmund B. Greene Thomas A. Cooper Arthur S. Bahr
Scott E. Pardee Kewsong Lee Dan L. Hale
John Sweeney James N. Stanard Gerald L. Igou
David A. Tanner Howard H. Newman
For Against Abstain
2. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to [ ] [ ] [ ]
provide for a classified Board of
For Against Abstain
3. To amend the Company's Bye-laws to [ ] [ ] [ ]
provide that Directors may be
removed only for cause upon the
affirmative vote of the holders of
not less than 66-2/3% of the voting
power attached to all issued and
outstanding capital shares of the
Company entitled to vote thereon.
For Against Abstain
4. To amend the Bye-laws to fix the [ ] [ ] [ ]
size of the Board at eleven
directors, and to authorize the
Board, at its discretion, to expand
the size of the Board to twelve
directors and to fill any
additional position so created.
For Against Abstain
5. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to [ ] [ ] [ ]
provide that shareholders of record
may nominate persons for election
as director at an annual or special
general meeting of shareholders
only if prior written notice signed
by no less than 20 shareholders
holding in the aggregate not less
than 10% of the outstanding paid up
share capital of the Company
stating such shareholders' intent
to make such nomination has been
given to the Secretary of the
Company: (a) in the case of an
annual general meeting, not less
than 60 days nor more than 90 days
prior to the anniversary date of
the immediately preceding annual
general meeting of shareholders;
and (b) in the case of a special
general meeting called for the
purpose of electing directors, not
later than the close of business on
the tenth day following the day on
which notice of the date of the
special general meeting was mailed
or public disclosure of the date of
the special general meeting was
made, whichever first occurs.
For Against Abstain
6. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to [ ] [ ] [ ]
provide that for business to be
properly introduced by the
shareholders at an annual general
meeting where such business is not
brought by or at the direction of
the Board, in addition to any other
applicable requirements, only if
written notice thereof containing
certain prescribed information
concerning such proposal is
deposited with the Secretary of the
Company by shareholders
representing at least one-twentieth
of the Company's outstanding voting
rights or constituting not less
than 100 persons at least six weeks
prior to the date of the annual
general meeting.
For Against Abstain
7. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to [ ] [ ] [ ]
provide that not less than 60 nor
more than 90 days notice shall be
given of a special general meeting
properly requisitioned by
shareholders holding at least 10%
of the outstanding paid up share
capital of the Company.
For Against Abstain
8. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to [ ] [ ] [ ]
prohibit holders of the Company's
capital shares, other than certain
exempted persons, from obtaining or
exercising more than 9.9% of the
voting power attached to all of the
issued and outstanding capital
shares of the Company.
For Against Abstain
9. To amend the Company's Bye-Laws to [ ] [ ] [ ]
require the affirmative vote of at
least 66-2/3% of the outstanding
voting power attached to all issued
and outstanding capital shares of
the Company entitled to vote
thereon to amend, repeal or adopt
any provision inconsistent with any
of Proposals 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8
and the amendment contemplated by
this Proposal.
For Against Abstain
10. To amend the Company's Memorandum [ ] [ ] [ ]
of Association to increase the
Company's authorized capital to an
aggregate of 325,000,000 shares,
consisting of 225,000,000 Common
Shares and 100,000,000 Preference
Shares, in order to facilitate the
potential adoption by the Board in
the future of a shareholder rights
For Against Abstain
11. To consider, and if thought fit, [ ] [ ] [ ]
approve an amendment to the
RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. Amended
and Restated Non-Employee Directors
Stock Plan (the "Directors Plan")
which would increase the number of
authorized shares available for
issuance thereunder from 100,000
Common Shares to 200,000 Common
Shares, and to provide that any
shares which are tendered to or
withheld by the Company under the
Directors Plan in connection with
the exercise of options granted
thereunder or the payment of
related withholding taxes shall
again become available for grant
For Against Abstain
12. To appoint the firm of Ernst & [ ] [ ] [ ]
Young to serve as the independent
auditors of the Company for the
1998 fiscal year until the
Company's 1999 annual general
meeting of shareholders and to
refer the determination of the
auditors' remuneration to the
For With-hold For All
13. In accordance with the Company's [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as
the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Renaissance
Reinsurance Ltd. ("Reinsurance"),
to elect eleven directors of
Reinsurance to serve: (i) if
Proposal 14 below is adopted at the
Annual Meeting, for the terms
indicated and until their
successors are duly elected and
qualified, as follows: (x) four of
the eleven directors to serve until
the Reinsurance 1999 annual general
meeting of shareholders; (y) three
of the eleven directors to serve
until the Reinsurance 2000 annual
general meeting of shareholders;
and (z) four of the eleven
directors to serve until the
Reinsurance 2001 annual general
meeting of shareholders; or (ii) if
Proposal 14 below is not adopted at
the Annual Meeting, until the
Reinsurance 1999 annual general
meeting of shareholders or until
their successors shall be elected
and qualified.
If you do not wish your shares voted "FOR" a particular Nominee, mark the "For
All Except" box and strike a line through the Nominee(s) name. Your shares will
be voted for the remaining Nominee(s).
Class I Directors: Class II Directors: Class III Directors:
------------------ ------------------- --------------------
Edmund B. Greene Thomas A. Cooper Arthur S. Bahr
Scott E. Pardee Kewsong Lee Dan L. Hale
John Sweeney James N. Stanard Gerald L. Igou
David A. Tanner Howard H. Newman
For Against Abstain
14. In accordance with the Company's [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as
the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Reinsurance, to
amend the Reinsurance Bye-Laws to
provide for a classified board of
directors of Reinsurance (the
"Reinsurance Board").
For Against Abstain
15. In accordance with the Company's [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as
the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Reinsurance, to
amend the Reinsurance Bye-Laws to
fix the size of the Reinsurance
Board at eleven directors and to
authorize the Reinsurance Board, at
its discretion, to expand its size
to twelve and to fill any
additional position so created.
For Against Abstain
16. In accordance with the Company's [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
be considered by the Company, as
the holder of all outstanding
capital shares of Reinsurance, to
appoint Ernst & Young as the
independent auditors of Reinsurance
for the 1998 fiscal year to serve
until the 1999 annual general
meeting of shareholders of
Reinsurance and to refer to the
Reinsurance Board the determination
of the auditors' remuneration.
For Against Abstain
17. In accordance with the Company's [ ] [ ] [ ]
Bye-Laws, to vote on a proposal to
amend the Memorandum of Association
of Reinsurance to increase the
minimum issued and fully paid share
capital of Reinsurance to $1
- ---------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------
Please sign your name or names
exactly as it appears on your share
certificate(s). When signing as
attorney, executor, administrator,
trustee, guardian or corporate
executor, please give your full
title as such. For joint accounts,
all co-owners should sign.
- ------------------------------------------
Please be sure to sign and date
this Proxy. Date
- -------------------------------- ---------
Shareholder sign here Co-owner sign here
- ------------------------- --------------------
SECTION 1. PURPOSE. RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd., a Bermuda
company (the "Company"), hereby adopts the Amended and Restated RenaissanceRe
Holdings Ltd. Non-Employee Director Stock Plan (the "Plan"), subject to the
approval of the Company's shareholders. The purpose of the Plan is to provide an
incentive to the Participants (defined below) (i) to join and remain in the
service of the Company, (ii) to maintain and enhance the long-term performance
and profitability of the Company and (iii) to acquire a financial interest in
the success of the Company. The Plan shall become effective upon the date of its
approval by the requisite vote of the Company's shareholders (the "Effective
SECTION 2. ELIGIBILITY. Members of the Company's Board of
Directors (the "Board") who are not employees of (i) the Company, (ii) any of
the Investors (as defined below), or (iii) any of their respective affiliates,
will be granted awards pursuant to the provisions of the Plan (a "Participant or
Participants"). The "Investors" shall mean and include each of (i) Warburg,
Pincus Investors, L.P., (ii) PT Investments, Inc., (iii) GE Private Placement
Partners I-Insurance, Limited Partnership and (iv) United States Fidelity and
Guaranty Company. For purposes of the Plan, an "Affiliate" of an entity shall
mean any entity directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or
under common control with such entity. Any Participant who terminates service as
a director of the Company shall automatically cease participation in the Plan as
of the date of his or her termination.
3.1 The Board. The Plan shall be administered by the Board.
3.2 Board Authority. The Board shall have the authority to:
(i) exercise all of the powers granted to it under the Plan, (ii) construe,
interpret and implement the Plan, (iii) prescribe, amend and rescind rules and
regulations relating to the Plan, (iv) make all determinations necessary in
administering the Plan and (v) correct any defect, supply any omission, and
reconcile any inconsistency in the Plan.
3.3 Binding Determinations. The determination of the Board on
all matters within its authority relating to the Plan shall be conclusive.
3.4 No Liability. No member of the Board shall be liable for
any action or determination made in good faith with respect to the Plan or any
award hereunder.
4.1 Shares. Awards under the Plan shall be for Common Shares,
$1.00 par value, of the Company and any other shares into which such shares
shall thereafter be changed by reason of merger, reorganization,
recapitalization, consolidation, split-up,
combination of shares, or similar event as set forth in and in accordance with
this Section 4 (the "Shares").
4.2 Shares Available for Awards. Subject to Section 4.3
(relating to adjustments upon changes in the Company's capitalization), as of
any date the total number of Shares with respect to which awards may be granted
under the Plan shall be equal to the excess (if any) of (i) 200,000 Shares, over
(ii) the sum of (A) the number of Shares subject to outstanding awards granted
under the Plan, and (B) the number of Shares previously transferred pursuant to
awards granted under the Plan. In accordance with (and without limitation upon)
the preceding sentence, Shares covered by awards granted under the Plan which
expire or terminate for any reason whatsoever shall again become available for
awards under the Plan. In addition, any shares which are tendered to or withheld
by the Company in connection with the exercise of Options or the payment of
withholding taxes shall again become available for awards under the Plan. Shares
granted under the Plan shall be authorized and unissued common shares of the
4.3 Adjustments upon Certain Changes. In the event of any
merger, reorganization, recapitalization, consolidation, sale or other
distribution of substantially all of the assets of the Company, any stock
dividend, stock split, spin-off, split-up, distribution of cash, securities or
other property by the Company, or other change in the Company's corporate
structure affecting the Shares, then the Board shall substitute or adjust as it
determines to be equitable in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of the
benefits or potential benefits intended to be
awarded under the Plan: (i) the aggregate number of Shares reserved for issuance
under the Plan, (ii) the number of Shares subject to outstanding awards and
(iii) the amount to be paid by Participants or the Company, as the case may be,
with respect to any outstanding awards.
SECTION 5. AWARDS UNDER THE PLAN. Each Participant shall
automatically be granted non-discretionary awards under the Plan in the form of
(i) "Director Shares" and (ii) "Options" (as such terms are defined below).
6.1 Awards. Each Participant who, as of the date of each
annual general meeting of the Company's shareholders, shall continue to serve as
a director of the Company after the date of such annual general meeting shall
automatically be granted an award of Director Shares in such number as shall be
determined by the Board. The Board may also grant Director Shares to
Participants from time to time, in such number as it shall determine in its
6.2 Vesting. Director Shares shall either be fully (100%)
vested on the grant date or subject to such vesting restrictions as may be
established by the Board.
6.3 Shareholder Rights. A Participant shall have the right to
receive dividends and other rights of a shareholder with respect to awards of
Director Shares.
6.4 Transferability. Director Shares shall be non-transferable
during any period after the grant date that such Shares are subject to vesting
restrictions, but shall otherwise be transferable by the Participant, subject to
any applicable securities law restrictions.
7.1 Awards. As of the date that a Participant first becomes a
member of the Board (or such later date as the Board may establish in its
discretion), such Participant shall automatically be granted an option to
purchase 6,000 Shares (each, an "Option") at a price per Share equal to the Fair
Market Value of a Share on the date of grant or as otherwise determined by the
Board. Thereafter, as of each subsequent annual general meeting of shareholders,
such Participant (so long as he continues to serve as a director of the Company
after the date of such subsequent annual general meeting) shall automatically be
granted an Option to purchase 2,000 Shares, at a price per Share equal to the
Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of grant. The Board may also grant
Options to Participants from time-to-time, at such per Share price and in such
number as it shall determine in its discretion.
7.2 Vesting. All Options granted under the Plan shall either
be fully (100%) vested on the date of grant or subject to such vesting
restrictions as may be established by the Board.
7.3 Option Term. Options granted under the Plan shall be
exercisable for a maximum period of 10 years from the date of grant, subject to
earlier termination as provided by the Board at the time of grant.
7.4 Share Certificates; Transferability. Share certificates
representing the Shares covered by Options awarded to a Participant shall be
registered in the Participant's name. Options may not be sold, transferred,
assigned, pledged or otherwise encumbered by the Participant other than by will
or the laws of descent and distribution. At the time a Participant's Options are
exercised, a certificate for Shares covered by the Options shall be registered
in the Participant's name and delivered to the Participant (or to such
Participant's legal representative or designated beneficiary in the event of the
Participant's death).
7.5 Shareholder Rights. The Participant shall have no rights
as a shareholder of Shares covered by Options until the time such Options are
exercised and certificates for Shares covered by such Options are registered in
the Participant's name as provided in Section 7.4.
7.6 Exercise of Options. Options granted under the Plan may be
exercised by written notice to the Company in such form as the Board may
designate, accompanied by full payment of the exercise price therefor. The
exercise price may be paid (i) in cash or cash equivalents, (ii) by tendering
previously owned
Shares with a Fair Market Value equal to the exercise price, (iii) pursuant to
brokerage arrangements approved by the Board providing for simultaneous
exercising of Options and sale of Shares, and (iv) by any combination of such
methods. The Board may require that Participants enter into written Option
Agreements with the Company setting forth the terms of Option grants.
shall be entitled to require as a condition of delivery of any Shares to a
Participant hereunder that the Participant remit an amount sufficient to satisfy
all foreign, federal, state, local and other governmental withholding tax
requirements related thereto (if any) and any or all indebtedness or other
obligation of the Participant to the Company or any of its subsidiaries.
suspend or terminate the Plan at any time and may amend it at any time and from
time to time, in whole or in part, provided, that the Board may not, without
approval of the Company's shareholders, materially increase the maximum number
of Shares which may be issued under the Plan. No termination, modification or
amendment of the Plan may adversely affect the rights conferred by outstanding
Options or Director Shares without the written consent of the affected
Participant. Unless terminated earlier, the Plan will terminate on the tenth
anniversary of the
Effective Date and no additional awards may be granted under the Plan after such
tenth anniversary.
10.1 Listing, Registration and Legal Compliance. If the Board
shall at any time determine that any Consent (as hereinafter defined) is
necessary or desirable as a condition of, or in connection with, the granting of
any award under the Plan, the issuance or purchase of Shares or other rights
hereunder or the taking of any other action hereunder (each such action being
hereinafter referred to as a "Plan Action"), then such Plan Action shall not be
taken, in whole or in part, unless and until such Consent shall have been
effected or obtained to the full satisfaction of the Board. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, in the event that (i) the Company shall be entitled
under the Plan to make any payment in cash, Shares or both, and (ii) the Board
shall determine that a Consent is necessary or desirable as a condition of, or
in connection with, payment in any one or more of such forms, then the Board
shall be entitled to determine not to make any payment whatsoever until such
Consent shall have been obtained in the manner aforesaid. The term "Consent" as
used herein with respect to any Plan Action means (i) the listings,
registrations or qualifications in respect thereof upon any securities exchange
or under any foreign, federal, state or local law, rule or regulation, (ii) any
and all consents, clearances and approvals in respect of a
Plan Action by any governmental or other regulatory body, or (iii) any and all
written agreements and representations by a Participant with respect to the
disposition of Shares or with respect to any other matter, which the Board shall
deem necessary or desirable to comply with the terms of any such listing,
registration or qualification or to obtain an exemption from the requirement
that any such listing, qualification or registration be made.
10.2 Right of Discharge Reserved. Nothing in the Plan shall
confer upon any Participant the right to serve as a director of the Company or
affect any right that the Company or any Participant may have to terminate the
Participant's service as a director.
10.3 Fair Market Value. For purposes of the Plan, as of any
date when the Shares are listed on the NASDAQ National Market system
("NASDAQ-NMS") or listed on one or more national securities exchanges, the "Fair
Market Value" of the Shares as of any date shall be deemed to be the mean
between the high and low sale prices of the Shares reported on the NASDAQ-NMS or
the principal national securities exchange on which the Shares are listed and
traded on the immediately preceding business date, or, if there is no such sale
on that date, then on the last preceding date on which such a sale was reported.
If the Shares are not listed on the NASDAQ-NMS or listed on an exchange, the
"Fair Market Value" of the Shares shall mean the amount determined by
the Board to be the fair market value based upon a good faith attempt to value
the Shares accurately.
SECTION 11. GOVERNING LAW. The Plan is deemed adopted, made
and delivered in Bermuda and shall be governed by the laws of Bermuda without
reference to principles of conflicts of laws.
SECTION 12. NOTICES. All notices and other communications
hereunder shall be given in writing, shall be personally delivered against
receipt or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, shall
be deemed given on the date of delivery or of mailing, and if mailed, shall be
addressed (a) to the Company, at its principal corporate headquarters, Attn:
Chief Financial Officer, and (b) to a Participant, at the Participant's
principal residential address last furnished to the Company. Either party may,
by notice, change the address to which notice to such party is to be given.
SECTION 13. SECTION HEADINGS. The Section headings contained
herein are for the purposes of convenience only and are not intended to define
or limit the contents of said Sections.